【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/20 – R2D2


– the devs are studying the issue with the MM (SS: arty being balanced against heavies)
开发人员目前正在研究火炮分房的解决方法。 (之前说过火炮分房对位重坦的问题)

– VK4502B won’t be buffed, SerB thinks it’s doing fine

– the aim circle won’t apparently be possible to turn on and off

– aim circle is calculated on the server, but the shaking effect is doone by the client (hence it can be turned off) it’s possible everything will be done server-side at one point, but it’s not certain

– the airplanes collision model on the airport map is fine, you can shoot under its wings it doesn’t count as a “box”
阿拉曼机场地面的飞机碰撞模型没问题,炮弹可以从机翼下方穿过,但因为平射炮的炮弹飞行轨道也不是完全的直线,而是稍微带点抛物线 (尤其是那些炮弹速度越慢的炮,抛物线越明显),所以瞄得太接近翼面也有可能因为抛物线而打中机翼模型。。

– SerB doesn’t think that the arty is the most difficult type of vehicle to play for the newbies

– SerB also states that a lot less people than previously will level up the arty branches after 0.8.6 and that’s a good thing

– When asked when gold actually counts as currency law-wise, SerB answers: “Without going into legal details, gold is an ingame valuable, obtainable for real life money. It has no relation to the gold metal, except for the name.”

– regarding roaming: if you have an account on other server, when roaming is introduced, it will NOT be possible to unify the account on one server with the one on another (SS: in other words, if you are American, but played some battles on SEA server before making a new account on US server, you won’t be able to transfer the tanks from SEA to US account)
关于帐号漫游:当帐号漫游功能推出以后,即使你以前在不同的服务器上各自有不同的帐号,你也 不能 把不同服务器的帐号合成一个来玩。

– one of the roaming idea variants is that when a Russian account plays on EU server, the player will have _RU suffix (SS: I have a bad feeling about that…)
关于帐号漫游,如果某玩家在不同服务器上注册了相同名字的帐号 (或者其他人注册了重复名字的帐号),那么其中一个被考虑过的解决方法就是在名字后面加上帐号原属服务器的后缀 —— 例如俄服帐号跑到欧服玩的话会在名字后面加上“_RU”的后缀。
(这个方法跟公测服的处理手法一样,但同时也很有可能会因为部分玩家仇视外来服务器帐号,而出现TK谩骂等情况 —— 这同样也是公测服的老问题。)

– Q: “Guns too accurate in 0.8.6?” A: “How terrible!”

– the delay between the actual detection and the point when the lamp lights up (Sixth sense perk) won’t be reduced

– SerB likes comet, but he liked Cromwell even more, he played on it even after he unlocked the Comet
SerB喜欢彗星 ,但他更喜欢克伦威尔,即使已经升级彗星后还继续在玩克伦威尔。

– the reduced shell spread is a final decision, it won’t be removed

– SerB talking about the arty-is-underpowered whiners: “Right now, the arty noobs will be flushed out. After that happens, there will be whine that arty is OP again.”

– there will be no “switch one tier 10 for another tier 10″ possibility implemented

– other territories than Asia will also be made as maps in the future

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