【WOWS Q&A】2016/07/12


1a. Are German BB’s still planned to be released during Gamescom ?
1a. 现在的计划还是让德国BB在Gamescom的时候正式上线吗?

A. At the earliest, they will go into production-testing in the next update. After that, we’ll see.

1b. Will Flint remain the final reward during for all seasons or will it change at some point ?
1b. 所有的天梯赛季的最终奖励都是弗林特吗?还是说在某个时间点会做出更换?

A. In the short-term (two to three seasons), the final reward will remain Flint.

1c. If I recall, bastions are equipped with 40.6 cm SK C/34 canons, right ? Are they the same as the upcoming German BB’s ? And will their characteristics change along those of the H-class guns (if changes are made to them, that is) ?
1c. 我没记错的话,陆基单位的主炮都是40.6cm SK C/34炮对吧?这些炮和接下来要出的德国BB的主炮一样吗?属性会和H系列的主炮一样有变动吗(如果H系列的主炮属性有改动的话)?

A. Bastion cannons characteristics are set solely on balance reasons, without them being tied to other weapons.

1d. In reference to your (or was it you?) last statement about the fate of Cleveland, some players started to fear that the US light cruiser branch was abandoned and that we should not expect it anytime soon. Or could you build one without Cleveland ?
1d. 你之前(是你吧?)说过克利夫兰接下来会怎么办,部分玩家开始担心美国轻巡线已经放弃不做了,近期也是看不见了。还是说你们可以造出一条没有克利夫兰参与的轻巡线?

A. No, we haven’t abandoned it. We have the desire to clean up cruiser lines and generally work some more on the existing lines (maybe add a new branch, adjust the tier of a ship, etc.). However, we’re currently not working on this since we have quite a lot of work with the next few updates.

1e. When you released the Soviet cruisers, there were high expectations for the top ship, Moskva, in regards to how similar ships would fare in the game. Did she meet your expectations ? And will you add Stalingrad or Alaska ?
1e. 你们当初上线苏联巡洋舰的时候,玩家们由于对很像的船只在游戏中互相遭遇的原因,对莫斯科的期望值还是很高的。那么莫斯科有达到你们的期望吗?以后会有斯大林格勒或者是阿拉斯加吗?

A. Moskva is a good ship. I can’t comment on unreleased new ships.

1f. I remember developers promised to release four new branches this year. Currently, only one has been released, one is soon to be released, and about the remaining two, we haven’t heard a word. Do you intend to keep it a secret for long or will you tell us to wait and see ?
1f. 我记得开发团队承诺过今年会上线4条新线。现在的话只上了一条,还有一条马上就出,关于剩下两条就一点消息都没有了。你们是打算继续憋着呢,还是跟玩家说再等等再说?

A. In a video, we promised two lines. As far as I can remember, JamesWhite said on a stream that there may be 3 or 4.

1g. Are you happy with the ramming mechanics ? Logically speaking, it doesn’t make much sense.
1g. 你们对于现在的撞击机制满意吗?从逻辑角度上来说这玩意说不通的啊。

A. Yes, we are happy with it. We could make it more complex but it is very low on the priority list.

【WOWS Q&A】2016/07/12》上有3个想法

    • 你说得对。
      举案说法的后卫后飞洒地虎3498fdshkjldasf8y90234lkbjfdskhjlfasd8uy023lkhjfsdkhjlsdfaljk;fsdau8 v23if的撒了可敬的法搜3jlkszxcv8u0eqwkrjvdscczjk;dfas0u9[q234 地方sdgfjklhdfsajejklsdfa’dasfdsu9[v额外加平进口商独宿空帘归梦长家乐福的撒防静电撒了

      • 没有区别。





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