【WOWS Q&A】2016/06/22


Thanks a lot to Carnotzet.

JamesWhite also said in a radio programme on Wargaming FM that they will increase the reduction on repair costs until the end of July on the Russian cluster. Tier 7-9 ships repair costs will be reduced by 25% and for tier 10 ships, it will be 40%. They are doing this so that even players with standard accounts can play at those tiers and earn some credits even if they aren’t the most skilled players.

So far, the experiment (reduced repair costs) has been positive and they saw a 11-12% increase in players playing at high tier. All in all, the experiment was successful and that is why they are expanding it to other tiers and increasing the reduction.

He also gave some statistics about the current season of ranked battles. Across all regions, 193k players have so far taken part in the new season, from which 97k are on the Russian server. At the time of the programme (19 June), Russian players were the first ones to reach rank 1 (157 players) whereas only one player reached rank 1 on the NA server. On the Asia sever, 28 players reached rank 5 (best rank reached at that time), and on the EU server (which started slightly later), 4 players reached rank 4.

1a. “XVM”-like mods are often encountered. I thought developers didn’t want them in the game. Did something change ?
1a. 我经常能碰到类“XVM”的mod。我一直以为开发团队并不想让这些mod出现在游戏中。你们是改变了自己的态度吗?

A. Nothing. Currently, we don’t see the need to ban it. If you don’t like what this mod does, you always have the possibility to hide your stats. It should help.

1b. There’s often topics on the forums suggesting improvements regarding the rewards for players’ actions in battle (for example, spotting, indication about the damage percentage inflicted to enemy ships, etc.). Is there any progress done in that matter and when will we be able to see the first changes ?
1b. 最近论坛上一直有建议说对玩家在战斗中的各种行动作出更好的奖励的事情(比如说点亮,协助队友对敌方船只造成了多少百分比的伤害之类的)。关于这方面你们有什么进展吗,如果有的话,我们什么时候能看到第一批的改动?

A. Progress is being made, but it’s still too early to speak about what version it will be released in. Here is how it will most likely unfold: we will add hidden metrics into the game (in other words, we will start to evaluate the possible consequences on the economy, but only evaluate, everything will be the same for the players), after one or two versions, we will change the economy according to the data we collected.

1c. Can you give us more details about when the “smoke boundaries” mod will be implemented in the game ?
1c. 能详细说说之后会由WG官方实装进游戏的“烟幕边界”的mod的事情吗?

A. We plan to release it in patch 0.5.9.

1d. Can you explain why you added a tier 10 league for players who reach rank 1 in ranked battles ?
1d. 能解释一下为什么给那些打到了天梯1级的玩家加了一个只能用10级船的联赛吗?

A. For players who reached rank 1 to experience a unique gameplay at the top tier. Moreover, it will be interesting to see what statistics we can collect from this experiment.

2a. When do you plan to differentiate the hit ribbons we receive in battle (divide them in penetrated, didn’t penetrate, bounce, etc.) ?
2a. 你们准备什么时候对我们在战斗中所获得的命中缎带做出区分(区分成了击穿,未击穿,跳弹之类的)?

A. In 0.5.8.

2b. Do you plan to add a more precise ship characteristics scale ? On my Des-Moines, I have more than 100 AA value and I still can add more AA modules. When will be able to see more accurate numbers ?
2b. 你们有计划加入一个更加精确的船只属性比例尺吗?在我的得梅因上,我的AA数据已经达到了100,但是我还是能够继续加更多的AA插件。我们什么时候才能看到更加准确的数字?

A. We currently don’t plan to do that.

3. Is it useful to stack Victor Lima, Juliet Whisky Unaone and India X-Ray signals ? Is their effect additive or multiplicative ?
3. 同时装备VL旗,JWU旗和IX旗这个想法可行吗?这三面信号旗的效果是相加还是相乘的?

A. Their effects works together. Fire chance is additive, the rest is multiplicative. Regarding whether or not is it useful to stack them, you decide.

4. Does ranked battles matchmaker take into consideration players’ rank when creating teams ? Sometimes, I’m teamed up with rank 15 players only whereas on the other teams they are rank 12, 13, 11 players.
4, 天梯战的MM在分配队伍的时候会考虑到玩家的等级吗?我有的时候会被扔到一个只有15级玩家的队伍中,而另一个队伍有11,12,13级的玩家。

A. Ranks are taken into consideration but within a certain bracket. If we’d have chosen to make battles with players of the same rank only, the queue time would be extremely long. We will continue working on ranked battles matchmaker though.

5. If, when activating Defensive fire, I focus target one squadron, will its effect (panic) work on other squadrons too ? Similarly, regarding the catapult fighter, if I don’t focus target a squadron, will its effect work on all squadron in its area or only the one it’s attacking ?
5. 如果我启用了防空弹幕的话,我手动集火一个目标,那么弹幕的(打散)效果对于其他的目标还生效吗?还有就是关于水上战斗机的话,如果我不去手动选择目标,那么打散效果是会在它所在的区域的所有目标身上生效,还是说只在它所攻击的那个目标身上生效?

A. The effect of Defensive fire works on the whole area your AA covers.

The catapult fighter only panics the squadron it’s attacking.

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