Slava Makarov的QA



Slava Makarov one of the persons who invented World of Tanks has spoken recently (please do not mistake him with Slava Lyushnya, who’s been kind enough to give us frequent Q&As since Storm burn out and lost his position at Minsk):
Slava Makarov,也就是WOT的创始人之一,最近说了以下这些东西(请不要和为我们一直以来提供QA的那个Slava Lyushnya搞混了,各位叫他Storm的接班人也行。但此Slava非彼Slava。)


-Slava M. doesnt like the new modes.
Slava M.(下文中简称Slava)并不是很喜欢新的模式

-The premium tanks are not supose to be significantly worse than regular tanks, the most important thing is for them to not be better.

-When it comes to maps and corridors, its not always as easy as it seems, even open maps do seem too corridorish to players for the sole reason they can safely move only in a small part of them, because the rest of the map is being too open and they will get shot there.

-Matchmaker is being overhauled as we speak.

-The devs will try to make the vehicle class roles more specific.

-Slava M. now has the main task of assembling list of current WoT problems, this list doesnt contain only issues description but also solutions and is 72 pages long.
Slava M.现在的主要任务是收集WOT的各种问题,他手上的这份列表不仅包括了问题,问题的描述,还包括了各种解决方案。这份列表已经有72页长了。

-Regarding the fact that new maps suck, Slava M. said they are trying to hire back one of the old map makers who’s work was highly rated.

-Slava M. about World of Tanks “We really fu**ed up last year but is not irreparable”.

-Its difficult to make a full picture out of the quotes but is obvious that Slava M. is unhappy about Minsk producer’s Anton Pankov work.
想从Slava说的话里完整的了解情况是不太可能的,但是Slava显然对于明斯克那边的制作人Anton Pankov的所作所为不是很高兴

-Regarding the PVE mode, Slava says that there were critical technical issues that were solved only recently.

-Slava M. worked on Master of Orion, according to him the work is continuing and is cool.

-When it comes to the old whine that the engine of WoT is very old, Slava says that WG was working on a new engine for WoT for a couple of years now but there is currently no ETA of when the engine will appear in the game.

-Yuri P, published a picture of a SPG that has a 14round autloader, the RU players hope that such a thing wont be implemented.
Yuri Pasholok发布了一张弹夹内有14发炮弹的弹夹炮火炮的图片,毛服的玩家希望这种东西这辈子都不要实装

-A lot of Russian players told Slava M. that they are happy he is back because he invented WoT while others completely broke it. Slava answered that they didnt broke it completely but it came very close (Example Rubicon patch)

-Replaying to the questions about where the SPG hate comes from, Slava said “That’s because it really is killing all the hidden players like it was intended but the problem is that is pointless to come out of hiding because it is killing everyone else and that was not intended”

-Slava will attempt to introduce rank mode to WoT.

-Slava doesnt like E-Sports.

Slava Makarov的QA》上有12个想法

  1. 我也看了原句,我觉得要把原句but 后面的文字这样拆解:but ( the problem is)+ (that is pointless to come out of hiding because it is killing everyone else )+ and that 【指it is killing everyone else】 was not intended.


    • 或者这样:but ( the problem is that )+ {省略了 it,自行脑补} is pointless to come out of hiding because it is killing everyone else )+ and that 【指it is killing everyone else】 was not intended.

  2. 火炮本来就是支援车,如今是机制不平衡,没技能断腿6-12秒,如今的不缩圈炮控比比皆是,卖头断腿都能给你一轮集火完了总结了,火炮断我腿又喷我好多血,所以我死了,火炮太imba!!砍砍砍,然后毛子真的信了

  3. 第二次大火炮时代的来临完全是因为官方的抛物线视角合法化!你们要知道火炮的精度早就随着之前的一起变动了,直到第抛物线视角合法之后不管什么死鱼烂虾(抱歉,我知道这话很欠喷,但我觉得我说的是说实话)都能从其中感受到乐趣,火炮之前最大的难点“拉炮线”成了形同虚设,只要掌握几个常规火炮位并且不是太蠢的人都能得形成不同程度的威慑力…..

    • 然而并不是火炮的错。我也并不觉得这插件有多破坏平衡。更多的是国服10级房一群400到650之间的人,看场次都过了1W了,结果玩的什么都不是。他们不是说什么有活动之类速度挂机上来的。而是根本不用心玩。所以导致是个火炮都能炸出来点伤害。让这群人觉得火炮真厉害,就应该砍了

  4. -Replaying to the questions about where the SPG hate comes from, Slava said “That’s because it really is killing all the hidden players like it was intended but the problem is that is pointless to come out of hiding because is killing everyone else and that was not intended”


    • 翻译翻错了,应该是它和我们当初预计的一样可以干掉所有蹲坑的玩家,但是并没有人会因此不去蹲坑,因为不蹲坑的人也全被炸死了。这不是我们的设计意图。

      • 我重新看了一下原句,我认为是这样的
        (前略)pointless to come out of hiding because IT is killing everyone else and that was not intended”

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