0.8.6 test impressions


Hey everyone,

it’s kinda pointless to post here the test server vehicle stats (the data are out on various places anyway), so instead a few impressions for those, who don’t play on test server and don’t intend to. Please, feel free to comment, whether you agree with me or not. Keep in mind that these aresubjective feelings of mine, not facts.

The comments are written from the POV of a non-arty player, who prefers mediums and heavies (tested vehicles: T110E5, Maus, Panzer IV)

– probably the most important part of the patch: the arties. While it’s hard to say how many arties will be “left” on public server, I have a really bad feeling that this patch didn’t fix the old arty issues (but created new ones). In other words, there are a LOT of arties around on top tiers. Now, arty has a chance to be top vehicle of the team (for some reason it happens very often, but maybe it was my bad luck).

– my impression is that in hightier (T9-T10) battles, arties weren’t nerfed too much when it comes their ability to make heavy tank’s day very very miserable. I assume that the accuracy nerf somehow helped the fast medium vehicles such as the Batchat or Leopard, but subjectively, T110 doesn’t have its job any easier and despite increased durability from the new heavy spall liner (subjectively, it doesn’t work at all, because it doesn’t help with the real arty problem – module damage and chain detracks, maybe the damage recieved is better, but I didn’t spot that really). I can imagine even harder accuracy nerfs for toptier arties in the future – as I said, very little changed. Either way, top artillery does influence the battle perhaps more than it should. If your team has arty retards and the other team doesn’t, you WILL lose.

– speaking of the new XL spall liner, it’s not very effective. Maus still gets pounded to dust.

– midtier arties (from the POV of medium/heavy player) feel a bit OP actually due to their limited MM spread. I had several oneshots done on my Panzer IV. On mid tiers, slow = dead. I can imagine this will frustrate new players heavily. But maybe it’s the fact they are being tested, so there are so many.

– armor buff – it works. Spaced armor now eats HEAT like candy. This is especially visible on E-100 and Maus – earlier, you could load up gold and shoot it wherever, now sides will eat it and front will ding. If we count out arty, Maus is now a pretty awesome tank to drive. IS-6 is a total monster now, it dings like hell at eats HEAT shells too, IS-7 feels buffed too this way, T110 – no buff, feels even more fragile than usual. As for tanks with heavily sloped frontal armor (Chinese especially…) – remember the pre-nerf T-54 frontal armor? Yea…

– accuracy buff – works. Guns are more accurate now. This is bad news for tanks with glaring weakspots (again, T110 with its tumor turret, but also KV-5), they do get hit more often. Sniping on longer distances is a joy, shells fly where they are supposed to (funnily enough, it feels easier to derp-snipe with KV-2 too, which probably wasn’t an intended consequence)

0.8.6 test impressions》上有1个想法

  1. 【本文仅翻译原文,不代表译者主观观点,以下文章中出现的“我”,“本人”均代表原文作者】
    Hey everyone,
    it’s kinda pointless to post here the test server vehicle stats (the data are out on various places anyway), so instead a few impressions for those, who don’t play on test server and don’t intend to. Please, feel free to comment, whether you agree with me or not. Keep in mind that these are subjective feelings of mine, not facts.

    The comments are written from the POV of a non-arty player, who prefers mediums and heavies (tested vehicles: T110E5, Maus, Panzer IV)
    – probably the most important part of the patch: the arties. While it’s hard to say how many arties will be “left” on public server, I have a really bad feeling that this patch didn’t fix the old arty issues (but created new ones). In other words, there are a LOT of arties around on top tiers. Now, arty has a chance to be top vehicle of the team (for some reason it happens very often, but maybe it was my bad luck).
    – 这个补丁最大的改动就是火炮了。不知道正式服务器上的火炮数量会怎么样,我个人认为这个补丁非但没有解决火炮的旧的遗留问题,反而创造了一堆新的问题。或者说,现在有很多顶级火炮。而且现在火炮可以作为班长出现了(出于某种原因,这个情况在我身上很普遍,也许只是我脸黑。)
    – my impression is that in hightier (T9-T10) battles, arties weren’t nerfed too much when it comes their ability to make heavy tank’s day very very miserable. I assume that the accuracy nerf somehow helped the fast medium vehicles such as the Batchat or Leopard, but subjectively, T110 doesn’t have its job any easier and despite increased durability from the new heavy spall liner (subjectively, it doesn’t work at all, because it doesn’t help with the real arty problem – module damage and chain detracks, maybe the damage recieved is better, but I didn’t spot that really). I can imagine even harder accuracy nerfs for toptier arties in the future – as I said, very little changed. Either way, top artillery does influence the battle perhaps more than it should. If your team has arty retards and the other team doesn’t, you WILL lose.
    – (测试服)给我的印象是在高等级的战斗中(特指9级和10级),火炮并没有被大砍一刀。因为他们还是很开心的敲着重坦的脑袋。当然,我在这里假设在火炮的精准度上砍了一刀仅仅对那些很快的中坦很有帮助,比如查涤纶,或者豹子,从我的主观角度出发,T110E5的任务更艰巨了,尽管从新的重型内衬中的收益很大,(我反正觉得这玩意一点用都没有,因为还是没能解决火炮的老问题,就是模块伤害和断腿。也许受到的伤害变低了,不过我是没发现就对了。)我能想象到在未来会出现的对顶级火炮的又一刀大砍,就像我说过的,什么都没变。或者说,顶级火炮对赛局的左右依然还是很大。如果你们的火炮是个僵尸,而对面的不是,你们一定会输。
    – speaking of the new XL spall liner, it’s not very effective. Maus still gets pounded to dust.
    – 说到新的超重型内衬,一点用也没有。鼠爷照样被火炮炸的稀巴烂。【译者:这是真的,我和基友在测试服上测试了一下,用T29来炸我的超重型内衬鼠爷,一发HE过来依然有1000+的伤害。】
    – midtier arties (from the POV of medium/heavy player) feel a bit OP actually due to their limited MM spread. I had several oneshots done on my Panzer IV. On mid tiers, slow = dead. I can imagine this will frustrate new players heavily. But maybe it’s the fact they are being tested, so there are so many.
    – 中等级别的火炮【译者:原文没有指出是哪个级别,不过目测是6~8级的】由于新的分房机制,表现还是蛮强力的。我开4号的时候经常被一发入魂了。在中等级别这个阶段,你慢,你就完蛋了。我能想象这对那些新玩家来说是个重挫(指被一发入魂)。不过也许这是测试服,所以才会有这么多(一发入魂)的出现。
    – armor buff – it works. Spaced armor now eats HEAT like candy. This is especially visible on E-100 and Maus – earlier, you could load up gold and shoot it wherever, now sides will eat it and front will ding. If we count out arty, Maus is now a pretty awesome tank to drive. IS-6 is a total monster now, it dings like hell at eats HEAT shells too, IS-7 feels buffed too this way, T110 – no buff, feels even more fragile than usual. As for tanks with heavily sloped frontal armor (Chinese especially…) – remember the pre-nerf T-54 frontal armor? Yea…
    – 装甲的增强——的确有效。间隙装甲现在对HEAT来说就像是黑洞,在E-100和鼠爷身上就是个很好的例子——早些时候,你只要用JB蛋,鼠爷任你穿。现在的话,侧面会把他黑洞掉,而打在正面就会跳掉。【译者:这不是装甲的增强而是对HEAT的大砍吧?】如果排除火炮的因素,现在鼠爷开出去应该很爽。IS-6现在就是头野兽,无双比以前更厉害了。不仅各种跳蛋,而且吸收HEAT就跟玩一样。IS-7的情况也差不多。至于T110——还是老样子,比以前更脆了。对于采用了大量天顶星斜面前装甲的坦克来说(尤其是天朝的车……)——还记得给T-54那小小的一刀不?和那个差不多……【译者:哪一刀?】
    – accuracy buff – works. Guns are more accurate now. This is bad news for tanks with glaring weakspots (again, T110 with its tumor turret, but also KV-5), they do get hit more often. Sniping on longer distances is a joy, shells fly where they are supposed to (funnily enough, it feels easier to derp-snipe with KV-2 too, which probably wasn’t an intended consequence)
    – 精准度的上升【译者:散布机制的改动】——完全有效。现在的炮比以前更准了。这对那些弱点很大的车来说绝不是个好消息。(T110和它那个肿瘤一样的炮塔,哦,还有KV-5也一样),的确挨枪更多了。远距离狙击现在很爽,基本做到了指哪打哪的程度。(好玩的是,因此受益的还有KV-2。现在用152神教的HE炮弹也是指哪打哪的程度,估计这不是有意为之的产物。)


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