Yuri Pasholok的QA


Hello warriors,

Yuri Pasholok, Wargaming’s chief historical advisor, answered a bunch of player questions (mostly about real life tanks) – here’s what he said:
Yuri Pasholok,WG的首席历史顾问回答了一批玩家的问题(大部分是关于现实中的坦克的)—以下是他的回答:

– YP doesn’t know whether Mausturm II is planned for Maus in the game. In theory, it’s possible to fit several turrets to it but the problem of the vehicle is the gun, not the turret, specifically the lack of normal 149mm L/37 or L/38 gun, that was planned for Maus until Spring 1943. WG did not task the historical department to find alternative Maus turrets.
Yuri Pasholok并不知道他们有没有计划要给游戏里的鼠式弄出鼠式II号炮塔。理论上来说是可以再弄出几个炮塔的,但是问题出在这辆车的炮身上,而不是炮塔上,尤其是没有149mm L/37或者是L/38炮这个问题,因为直到1943年的春天才有计划要给鼠式装上这些炮。WG并没有让它的历史部门去给鼠式找出几个可替换的炮塔。

– many soldiers in WW2 called the tanks by different nicknames (for example Yuri Pasholok’s grandfather defended Leningrad and called the T-60 and T-70 “bugs”)
二战中的许多士兵是在用不同的昵称去称呼这些坦克的(比如Yuri Pasholok的爷爷就保卫了列宁格勒,并且称呼T-60和T-70为“小虫”)

– when IS-3 was designed (1945), the 88mm PaK 43 could penetrate the roof of the hull around the driver’s hatch. The vehicle was however vulnerable to 128mm shells, that’s why the IS-7 project was started (to remove such vulnerability)
IS-3在设计的时候(1945年),88mm PaK 43是可以击穿车身靠近驾驶员舱盖那一片区域的。然而这辆车也很容易被128mm的炮弹所击毁,这也就是为什么他们开始研发IS-7(为了抵抗128mm的炮弹)

– the Ho-Ri TD is a real model (mockup) from archives


– Panzer III/IV was planned historically with 75mm L/48
III/IV号坦克历史上是打算要装75mm L/48的

– apparently the T-22 Sr. hull was too small/cramped to put all the crewmembers and modules inside it, that’s why the project didn’t go forward
T-22 sr.的车身如果把所有的乘员和各种模块都丢进去的话就显得太小/太拥挤了,这也就是为什么该计划没有继续研发下去

– in 10 years, the Germans changed their base tank color 4 times, while the British changed it 3 times and there was a period when they had two of them. Yuri Pasholok however is not convinced that WoT needs so many base colors – that’s why one was selected so that each nation is easily identifiable
德国人在10年中一共变更了4次他们的坦克底色,英国人改了3次,而有段时间英国人是同时在使用两种底色的。然而Yuri Pasholok并不认为WOT需要这么多的底色—这也就是为什么他们给每个国家都定下了一种颜色以便于辨别

– there were some text hints in documents that something like FV215b existed and the WG creative department took care of the rest

– regarding the way the British evaluated the Churchills during the fighting in Europe – the fact that most of them were III to VI variants did affect the evaluation

– the main issue of the German super-long 88mm guns was not the barrel itself, but the mobility

– the archive documents do mention the 17cm gun installation in the Maus – they also mention that in such a case the turret could not rotate (Jagdmaus)

– a SPG on Maus chassis was proposed, but it was never really designed

– Yuri Pasholok is not sure, but apparently one of the most unhistorical tanks in the game is Centurion Mk.I, it’s really overbuffed
Yuri Pasholok并不确定这到底是不是真的,但是游戏中最不史实的车之一是百夫长Mk.I,真的是Buff的太过分了

– the most common captured tanks used by the Soviets were Panzer III and IV, the most common ones used by Germans were T-34 and to lesser extent KV

– E-50M does not need historical replacement

– there are candidates for alternative tier 10 French HT’s, such as AMX 50 and AMX M4 variants
现在有法国10级重坦的候选车了,比如AMX 50和AMX M4的各种衍生版

– the 3cm aircraft gun on Luchs and Leopard is a fake, added for the sake of game balance
译注:3 cm M.K. 103炮,德国二战时期的一款机炮,只有部分对地攻击姬和臭名昭著的闪电球(又称球电)防空车有使用过。

Yuri Pasholok的QA》上有2个想法


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