【Developer Q&A 】2013/5/28[(5月30日开始8.6公测)] – R2D2

翻译: [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6266445]

The official 0.8.6 public test will start this Thursday (May 30th)

From player Taifuuni, a demonstration of how the new dispersion in 0.8.6 will look like:

0.8.5 散布范例图:

0.8.6 散布范例图:

– SerB has roughly 50 vehicles in his garage and it takes him 5 seconds to sort thru it

– 5.1 sound is not yet implemented into the new sound engine, but it is planned, along with the 7.1 sound

– echoes from distant explosion/cannon fire (for example in valleys) will be implemented eventually

– better sorting of the archievements will be implemented eventually, but it has very low priority
关于给勋章显示也加上过滤选项 (就像车库下方的车辆显示选项一样) ,SerB表示他对此不感兴趣,但如果开发人员以后有空的话,也可以做一下。

– some vehicles have AAMG and some don’t (resp. Type 58 doesn’t have it), because “machinegun model consists of too many model details (SS: SerB said specifically “triangles”, I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it “vectors”?)
某些车的炮塔上没把防空机枪模型做出来 (例如58式),是因为做机枪模型要花太多细节。

– the E-100 turret was moved in 0.8.6 30cm forwards, because it’s historical
– the E-100 turret move forward does not mean improved depression or elevation

– German E-10 ingame will be implemented as a TD, not LT

– SerB doesn’t consider the “In development” section necessery

– arty won’t recieve bigger firing angle than 45 degrees (SS: a player was asking, whether it is possible to implement the arty to be able to hit a certain target using two different trajectories – one for below 45 degrees and one for above 45 degrees elevation)

– according to SerB, the best account protection is using your brain, for example not using “password1234” as your password

– fog of war was considered for random battles, but it won’t be implemented for now, same goes for companies
开发人员考虑过在随机战模式和联队模式加入战场迷雾 (在敌方车辆被发现前不会在队伍列表里显示其车型),但目前还未实行。

– Q: “SerB, how is it possible you have so many battles played, yet your effectivity sucks?” A: “That’s because I prefer to improve in real world and to only have fun and relax in the virtual one. Which is something I recommend to you too.”

– according to SerB, there are no server-side cheats (SS: for example someone advertised a cheat for instant aiming)
SerB表示不存在服务器端的作弊手段。(例如某玩家提出的“火炮瞬间缩圈” —— 现在还有人信这个…..)

– SerB was banned only once in WoT, it was a trolling from someone
SerB在WoT里被封过一次。 (但我看俄服原文似乎SerB是说游戏外他封过很多人的号,但WoT里只有一次。—— 不过我也不肯定,俄文原文用机翻很难看懂)

– it’s possible that the T69 gold ammo (300 pen) penetration will be nerfed (despite the fact SerB claims that the 300 pen is historical)
T69的金币弹穿深有可能会被削弱。 (尽管SerB表示300mm穿深符合历史)

– the crew national voices might still appear
按车组国别使用不同语言的语音系统依然有可能出现。 (随便折腾去吧,别再来浪费问答版面就好….)

– SerB is playing the VK4502 Ausf.B (30k XP left to Maus) and is happy with its gameplay
SerB正在玩小老鼠 (VK4502B),还有3万经验出大老鼠,他表示小老鼠玩得很开心。

– historically, ST-I shouldn’t even have the M62-T2 gun, eg. it’s pointless to compare its ROF to IS-8 (SerB is joking about replacing the gun with the historical D-30)
ST-I装M62-T2炮并非史实,所以按常理来比较它与IS-8的射速差别没有意义。SerB还开玩笑说较真的话不如换D-30炮好了 (IS-6的炮)。

– it’s generally possible the ST-II (ST-I with twin-linked D-30) will be introduced, because the twin-linked gun mechanism is easier to introduce than for example multiturret mechanism. However don’t think it will simply have double ROF, that would be way too OP. Another historical option would apparently be two D-10T guns.

– SerB is thinking (SS: but only thinking, no panic!) about removing the top IS-4 gun (because it’s unhistorical) and buffing the shells of the other one.


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