【Developer Q&A 】2013/5/13 – 来源于R2D2

翻译原帖: [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6224242]

– camo (summer, winter, desert) is attached to whole maps and works on them even if they have a part of them with different textures (SS: for example if a map classified as “desert” has some “summer” parts, desert camo will still work in them)

– in premium garage you can zoom out more than in the basic garage, this is intended and additional zoom won’t be added to the basic garage because “walls are in the way”
VIP车库里的镜头能拉得更远,因为空间比标准车库要大;标准车库的镜头不会让你拉得更远,因为有墙挡着。 (想体验超远拉放视角的车库?请使用坦克世界查看器,轻松拥有穿墙以及自由视角等至尊享受,完全免费)

– other objects than tanks can’t ricochet a shell, doing so would be a waste of server resources
除了坦克车辆以外,其他物体无法造成跳弹,因为允许其他物体跳弹纯属浪费服务器资源。 (想要环境跳弹的请去玩百战天虫之类的游戏)

– in case of the subcaliber rounds for the Konisch gun – SerB states that even the silver ammo for it is historically subcaliber (instead of tungsten core it has a steel core), it was only designated as AP so people don’t get confused
SB炮的银币弹其实也是次口径弹 (因为锥膛炮只能打次口径弹),银币弹用的是钢芯,金币弹用的是钨芯,银币弹分类成AP只是为了让大部分人能简单地区分两种弹药。

– post-battle chat won’t be introduced because it would only serve for people to insult each other

– clanmates will get a separate category (in battle, in chat)

– the main gun for the T-35 tank will most likely be the 76mm KT gun, will most likely be tier 4

– from the current tanks, the multi-turretted mechanism will be applied to M3 Lee, perhaps even to Char B1, but that is still being considered, since the Char B1 hull gun had 0 traverse (couldn’t turn to sides at all)

– multi-turret mechanism will be implemented so late because it’s complicated to implement

– multi-turret premium tanks will be apparently introduced all at once

– according to SerB, damaged tracks have no influence on vehicle performance

– the option to recieve private messages only from friends will be implemented (SerB states he is looking forward to this a lot for obvious reasons)
会有“只接收来自好友列表名单的私聊信息”的选项。 (SerB因为“显而易见的原因”很期待这个功能 —— 肯定是每次上线都被私聊信息轰炸了。囧)

– SerB on why he doesn’t want a strict 3-per-team arty hardcap: “We don’t want to implement severe matchmaking restrictions. This leads to distortions in vehicle balance (it’s not possible to fix some nuances) and in matchmaker mechanism. Also, if you limit one class, it will lead to whining and calling for hardcaps for (for example) tier 8 premiums, light tanks etc. This alone is reason enough.”

– making a teamkiller blue after two shots aimed at allies in a row won’t be implemented – developers feel that it would lead to more “getting blue” accidents and they consider eliminating punishment for accidental teamkills more important

– SerB states that issues with tanks driving into ground textures (SS: falling thru ground, house clipping etc.) cannot be entirely avoided, but the amount of such issues dropped

– according to SerB, arty effectivity won’t decrease a lot in 0.8.6

– British Shermans will be implemented (“when it’s done it’s done”)

– according to SerB, the British didn’t have any turretless TD bigger than Tortoise, so the replacement of FV215b (183) and its transfer to the turret TD branch won’t happen
英系没有比土龟更大更土的TD了,所以把FV215b 183替换到炮塔TD线的传言不会实现。

– one-click ignore list clean-up won’t be added, according to SerB it would only help account hijackers

– ignore list won’t apparently be made longer

– E-100 will not get the “Henschel turret”, because that’s a fake (SS: yes, it is), IF E-100 gets a new turret, it will be the Maus-like one (it’s possible that will happen), with 128mm and 150mm guns
E-100不会有“亨舍尔”炮塔,因为那个是完全虚构的。如果E-100有新炮塔,也只会是类似老鼠那种样子,炮也是原来一样的128和150mm。 (SS觉得换炮塔有可能,但我没有在俄服原文找到任何明确的说法)

– new crew skills will be introduced “if needed”

– it’s possible perks unique to each nation will be introduced
可能会有不同国家的专属车组技能。 (所以,被否决过的卫星,也有可能重新放上去)

– special reward perks for archievements won’t be introduced

– the problem with captured tanks introduction is “the absence of the conditions of their introduction”
那些“俘获车辆”类别的金币车还没全部推出,是因为“缺乏推出它们的条件/坏境/状况”。 (原文也没看出SerB要表达的是什么意思)

– in 0.8.6, Object 261 won’t have its gun traverse buffed most likely
261工程的射界不大可能调整。 (原文问的是会不会有变化)

– past archievements for killing vehicles that will have their tier moved will not be affected

– according to SerB, it’s not guaranteed top arties will get new modules, but it might happen

– the option for players to disable their least popular maps has not been scrapped, but it will come “when it’s done”

– Q: “How is it justified that purely German Marder I is in the French tree?” A: “Want justice? Go to Hague tribunal. Want answers? Read earlier posts.” (SS: it was a purely balance decision)

– Superpershing’s armored screens (spaced armor) won’t be buffed, they aren’t meant to serve against HEAT rounds and their thickness is sufficient to deflect most AP rounds

– KV-5 gun pen won’t be buffed

– on tanks without radioman (T-62A, Leopard 1), radioman perks can be unlocked by the commander, because historically it was the commander who acted as the radioman, despite the fact a loader would be more useful with them

– SerB states that from the raging forum e-lawyers threatening to sue WG, not even one case has been brought before a court, because WG has a powerful team of lawyers while internet e-lawyers are silly (SS: SerB posted even a pretty funny picture, hard to translate)

– subcaliber core material by itself has no additional effect on penetration mechanics (SS: as in, a shell has a penetration X, regardless of what the core is made of)
次口径弹药的弹芯材料对穿深机制的计算没有影响。 (游戏里分类为次口径弹的全部弹药都按同一标准计算,跟弹芯用啥材料无关)

– the chance for Type 59 to return into the shop is zero
“59式 (在外服) 重新进入游戏商店的几率?”

– regular/free XP won’t be transferrable for gold to crew XP

– in order to get a WG press account, you have to be an accredited journalist

– voice selection (as it was in patch 0.7.5) won’t return
(曾经在7.5测试过的) 游戏语音选择不会恢复。

– WoT won’t be ported into a browser game, as it would perform even worse than it does now

– SerB is not considering to buff/nerf the HT FV215b atm

– random battle skill MM won’t be implemented

– it’s possible the B2 premium tank will appear in shops again

– it’s possible that when the Somua S35 gets introduced as a regular vehicle, the German premium Somua S35 gets removed from the shop, but it’s also possible that when the captured tanks as a category are introduced, these previously removed vehicles will return

– it’s possible the VK3002DB has too high MM weight, SerB will investigate

– experimental vehicles in game won’t be replaced by “serial” ones

– Q: “Are real life tank soldiers using World of Tanks as a training software?” A: “Yeah, and the infantry gets World of Warcraft!” 🙂


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