

Hello warriors,

it’s been a while since the Jagdpanzer E-100 “Krokodil” appeared on World of Tanks forums as the tier 10 German TD candidate. Sure, it looks good but it has one serious problem: it’s a fake. Today Yuri Pasholok will explain where the hell did this fake come from.
自从WOT论坛上出现了关于要把E-100“鳄鱼”突击车作为德国10级TD的言论已经有段时间了。没错,鳄鱼看上去是很不错,但是有一个很严重的问题:它是假的。Yuri Pasholok会为我们解释这破烂东西到底是从什么地方传开的。


As many other “German designs” (such as the E90 and E79) the “Krokodil” (the name is made up as well of course) is a fake started by artists on the internet. Internet in general allowed many German lovers to crawl out of woodwork and to start producing imaginary German designs. There is however one organization especially to blame – oddly enough it’s French and it is a publishing company called Caractere. Caractere from Marseille is chock full of nazi lovers and is known for promoting some of the most outrageous wehraboo crap that you can read. They just love their nazis – the first number of the military magazine “Batailles & Blindés” was for example dedicated to Tiger, second to Rommel, third to Blitzkrieg in the USSR, fourth to Grossdeutschland, fifth to Jagdtiger, sixth had articles about Theodor Eicke (the commander of Waffen SS Totenkopf division) and so on.
和其它许多“德国制造”一样(栗如E-90和E-79),“鳄鱼”(当然了,这名字也是他们自己起的)也是由网上的画师自己瞎弄出来的。网络嘛,牛鬼蛇神群魔乱舞的地方,所以德棍也就如雨后春笋一般爬了出来,然后开始自行创造“德国制造”的东西。然而有一个需要特别进行嘲讽的组织—很奇怪,这个组织是属于法国的,是个叫做Caractere的出版公司。法国马赛市的Caractere是由一群德棍组成的,而他们总是对德棍的那点破烂东西进行宣传这点屁事也是众所周知的。他们就只是纳粹德国的脑残粉而已——他们出版的军事杂志“Batailles & Blindés”的第一期是专门来写虎式的,第二期是专门写隆美尔的,第三期是写对苏联进行的闪电战的,第四期是写了“大德意志师”的,第五期写的是猎虎,第六期里面有关于Theodor Eicke(党卫军的骷髅队的指挥官)的文章等等。

It is thus no wonder that in the November of 2007 one issue of the above mentioned magazine had an article about “Krokodil” in it. The drawings of the article were made by Hubert Cance (infamous author of fake drawings) who became the main drawing artist of this publishing company (how surprising).
因此上述杂志在2007年有一篇文章中提到了“鳄鱼”也就没什么奇怪的了。文章中的配图是由Hubert Cance所画(因为画假图而臭名昭著的画师),他也是这个出版公司的主画师(这简直太不可思议了(棒读)

First variant he drew was the 12,8cm variant and it’s completely made up by Cance:


Second variant has a 17cm K 18 gun – there is a grain of truth in that as the Germans really wanted to build a 17cm SPG on Tiger-Maus chassis but it was a different gun and the look is completely made up:
第二个版本用的是17cm K 18炮—然而这图里面有一点点内容是真的,就是德国人的确是想要在虎式-鼠式的底盘上弄出一个17cm的自走炮来,然而用的炮也不是K 18而是别的,而且这个外观也是纯脑补的:

And then there’s the French article itself:

It’s one huge pile of crap and if you speak French, you can seriously have a great laugh at it. So, this is basically where the Krokodil legend came from. Fake crap from Caractere production will probably keep on appearing for years to come and in this sense it “catches up” to Wargaming in disseminating fake tanks (WT E-100, GW E-100) and passing them off as real.
如果各位能看懂法文的话,这东西就权当个乐子看了。没错,这就是鳄鱼突击炮的前世今生。Caractere自己弄出的破烂东西,这之后也许还会不停的被人拿出来说事。而且按照这个节奏搞下去的话它总有一天能够“赶上”WG的脚步,然后把那些WG制造的车(WT E-100,GWE炮)当成真的大说特说。


  1. WG在意的是这个东西不是他们自己脑补出来的,所以说他是假的,WG自己都不懂脑补了多少东西出来,还往自己脸上贴金

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