0.9.7二测的AMX 1357


The 0.9.7 CT2 is here, we are now able to play around with two new premium vehicles, the T-54 Prototype and the M56 Scorpion, however , “Speedcore” noticed on the patch-notes that one tank wasn’t mentioned: “AMX 13 57 GF” or simply “AMX 13 57F”. Aparently its the AMX 13 57 that was previously shown on FTR.
0.9.7的二测开始了,现在可以去玩那俩金币车,T-54初号机和M56蝎式,然而“Speedcore”发现了一个补丁信息中没提到的东西:“AMX 13 57 GF”,活着就是“AMX 13 57F”。这个就是之前FTR提到过的那个AMX 13 57.

Its not known yet if will be a WGL Grand Final Reward or for Personal Mission reward, I personally would like to see it available for everyone on the premium store.
Speedcore was able to get some images of it:

This image is comparing the statistics of the AMX 13 57 GF and the standard AMX 13 57, as you can see the stats are all the same:
这张图是把它和常规的AMX 13 57作对比用的,数据完全一致 

0.9.7二测的AMX 1357》上有3个想法


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