【Developer Q&A】2015/02/02


– various types of armored steel (with different brittleness for example) are not represented in WoT (SS: they used to be, very long time ago – some vehicles had different steel quality coefficients, this was removed because it was confusing to players)

– according to Storm, Wargaming implements armor as such: if there is an official document, they use official numbers. If there is no official armor thickness document, they decide the armor thicknesses themselves

– E-25 dimensions are unhistorical? “We made it according to sources we had at that time.” (SS: the argument was that the player thinks E-25 in the game is smaller than in real life, Storm disagress – funny about those sources available though, Panzer Tracts have been along for a long time)
E-25的尺寸不是史实的?“我们是根据那个时候手头有的资料做的”(SS:这里是有玩家认为E-25比现实生活中的要小—有意思的是那些消息来源,Panzer Tracts已经用了很长时间了) 


It’s true, E-25 in the game is too small. Storm confirmed the model length, width and height in his answers. Here’s how they compare to real values from Panzer Tracts 20-1 by Hilary Doyle.
这是真的,游戏内的E-25太小了。Storm在他的回复中放出了游戏内的长宽高的数据。以下是它们和Hilary Doyle所著的Panzer Tracts 20-1中的数据进行比较的情况: 

Ingame width according to Storm: 2,78 meters

Real width according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 3,41 meters
Doyle(PT 20-1)所说的真实宽度:3.41米 

Ingame height according to Storm: 1,75 meters

Real height according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 2,03 meters
Doyle(PT 20-1)所说的真实高度:2.03米 

Ingame hull length according to Storm: 4,5 meters

Real hull length according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 5,66 meters
Doyle(PT 20-1)所说的真实长度:5.66米  

I smell a nerf. Anyway, back to Storm.

– the fact that Chasseur de Chars was used as tier 8 premium medium tank doesn’t mean that WG found a candidate for tier 8 medium tank

– Storm admits that the frontak plate angles on the SD model of IS-3 are wrong, it will be fixed in HD (SS: I don’t have the exact numbers, optically, it looks like a slight nerf, but I can’t really tell – fun fact, according to Yuri Pasholok even the HD model is somewhat wrong, it has some unhistorical elements, like that AA machinegun)
Storm承认说IS-3标清模型的正面装甲板的角度有点问题,等高清化的时候会被修复(SS:我这里没有具体数字,从外观上看来是会被削弱一点,但是我说不准—趣闻,根据Yuri Pasholok的说法,高清模型也有一些问题,它上面有一些非史实的元素,比如那个防空机枪)

– Storm states that the WT E-100 replacement was not discussed yet properly
Storm说WT E-100要换掉这事还没正式讨论过

– FV215b switch to Chieftain is still planned

– if you vote in various WG polls (those that get sent by e-mail) without recieving your personal invitation by e-mail, your vote will not count

– there is a reason why the polls aren’t given to everybody – according to Storm, you need a defined number of answers to get the best results, plus WG doesn’t have the capacities to read answers from EVERYBODY
关于为什么不是大家都收到投票的原因是有的—根据Storm的说法, 只有一定数量的回答才能得出最好的结果,而且WG也没那个能力去读每个人的回答

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