【Developer Q&A 】2013/2/27, 2/28, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3, Reddit特别版


As you know, the patch 8.4 has been announced (comes out tomorrow on Russian server).
English full patchnotes for example here.
正如你们所知,0.8.4的更新已经到来,完整的英文版更新日志如下: 请猛戳这里查看 : [我就是084, 084就是我┏ (゜ω゜)=]

– when the enemy tanks damagets your periscope (rangefinder, vision device) while being out of range for the damaged visor (but not the repaired one), it will disappear with the next cycle of visibility check (SS: the visibility checks frequency varies from splits of second to up to 3 seconds I think)
当敌人打坏你的观察装置(测距仪,夜视仪),当该设备自动修复(从红变黄,但未被修理工具完全修理成完好无损状态)后,侦查触发会重置直到完成一个完整的侦查周期。(SS:视野侦查频率根据距离,和设备+人态会有所不同,我觉得最大影响在3秒左右)  –花痴喵核查

– damaging the rangefinder (periscope, visor) works even for open-topped vehicles (SS: there it apparently counts as the binoculars being destroyed)

– the top German (Bundeswehr) LT’s and meds won’t be Bundeswehr-green, they will be gray

– the devs won’t remove the possibility of changing your tank models (remodelling)
开发组不会移除你自改模型的功能。(只是改样子,不影响战斗hit box)

– HESH shells in game work just like HE shells, this won’t change
HESH蛋工作机制和 HE一样, 这种方式不会改变

– Q: “There are rumors the IS-7 will have the speed increased in 8.5, is it true?” A: “Interesting, where did you here these rumors?” (and after the player posted the source – some blog post) “Ah, okay. Not rumors. I don’t read posts/suggestion for tank rebalance at all, because history shows that they’re wrong in 99 percent of cases.”
有传闻说杠7 0.8.5里会buff速度, 真的么? 答: 很有意思,你们哪里听来的?(之后玩家po了帖子,xx的blog) “噢,这样啊, 那不是传闻了.我没看过这样的重平衡帖子/建议文. 因为99%历史上都显示这样是错的.

– no plans to allow the crews to retrain for tanks of other nations, not even for gold

– there is no special medal for dealing damage, as dealing damage is already rewarded with silver

– Conqueror will not be made a premium tank
征服者不会变成金币车 –谁以为会有第2个T34出现么?

– torque isn’t take into consideration when calculating engine performance

– Leopard and Luchs don’t have historically drum-autoloaders, but magazines

– VK3002DB a part of the second medium branch? “Wait for official announcement”
3002呆逼是元首2线mt中的一员么(可以点亮新线的mt么)  答:请等官方通告

– the VK7201 FaiLowe isn’t a fake (confirmed by Storm)
VK7201试验狮子不是假的 (Storm确认)

– New branch of German heavies planned? “No comment”
新的元首重坦线? 答: 无可奉告

– Sturmtiger will not come in 2013 突击虎2013不会有!


– the fact the tank in hangar always displays winter camo is a bug

– T69 has a huge gold ammo penetration (300) “for historical and balance reasons”

– M4A2E4 nerf is a “rollback” according to Storm and as for the Ram II, “nerf” is too strong a word
M4A2E4[“谢尔曼”坦克的扭杆悬挂试验车]的挨刀, 据Storm说要像公羊2-RamII那样“回归“, 没那么严重

– the LFP Panther thickness is now 50mm for historical reasons – counts for Ausf.G hull (Storm quotes Jentz and Spielberger, posts this picture and quotes this book part as a reason for the LFP lower thickness), Storm also states the numbers WG used fits the Spielberger books (SS: not really, just checked, Spielberger in his book “Panther and its variants” on page 248 clearly states the LFP thickness for Panther Ausf. A, D and G was 60mm, Storm says it’s an error in Spielberger’s drawing)
黑豹的首下装甲厚度改成50mm是基于历史原因的,- 注意看Ausf.G 的车体(Storm引用了Jentz 和 Spielberger, 这里2个图和一部分话作为首下的依据) Storm还指出WG使用的数字是符合Spielberger书中所讲的(SS:不是准确的, 只是检查过, 在斯皮尔伯格的”黑豹和它的变体”一书中, 在248页上,很清楚的写到 黑豹AusfA, D和G型的首下都是60毫米厚, Storm说书里弄错了)

– in 8.4, the profitability and repair costs of VK2801 were changed too
vk2801在0.8.4以后 收益和修理费都会随着改变的

– if you have a bug during 8.4 that the textures are way too dark (like here), it can be fixed by setting the texture quality to maximum.
如果0.8.4的材质看起来很暗的话(如下图), 你可以试着把材质设置调整到最高来改善.

– it’s not possible to turn on the removed speed governor consumable during the initial battle countdown simply because noone ask for this option
不打算把转速表弄的和切换弹药那样, 倒计时就能操作 是因为没人来问这事

2013.3.1       -这期感谢紫妈翻译   
Well, as you have already heard, Overlord stated the Leopard 1 will come in 8.5. With that in mind, I think it’s safe to confirm that the Indienpanzer, Leopard Prototype and Leopard 1 are being supertested atm. There might be screenies, there might be not, we’ll see.
你们或许已经听说, Overlord爆料豹1可能会在8.5粗线,考虑到这一点,为了保险起见还是先去超测确认下元首2线mt目前的情况为妙。可能是截图,可能有也可能没有以后就知道了

Today I skipped all sorts of dumb questions, Russian specific stuff (f.x. when will SerB be in that and that city) and other garbage, lot of SerB trolling again

– Q: “Please do tell me, dear developers, do you plan to give new premium tanks to the Ivans?” A: “Nope, only to Alexei’s”

– SerB on the influence of forum members on the game development: “Yes, all the forum projects are the work of an active minority. A minority, but active. That’s we we do and we will support the forums, but we are not going to act on every whim of the forum members.” (SS: not an exact translation, I hope this way it makes more sense in english)

– the “potential damage dealt” variable is not new (it’s been here for 2 years), it’s used to calculate certain archievement

– sometimes, tanks with better hp/ton ratio turn slower, this is due to the “quality of the suspension”, which works “via the physics model”

– there will be guns with better than 0.3 accuracy “if needed”

– AMX M4 45 depression buff is “historical”
AMX M4 1945 的俯角buff是“符合历史的”(我们这是还原历史~)

– Q: “How am I supposed to fight British T5 TD with 100-200mm armor in a tier 3 tank?” A: “Light her up for your arty or top tanks, kill the escorts, capture the base. It’s a team game. If you don’t like that, perhaps you’d like to play Barbie Online?”

– SerB states that Minsk is a great place to live in

– no plans to use the 88mm L/100 for any other tank for now
目前没打算把88mm L/100给别的坦克

– hard-mode (tanks without HP, no autoaim etc.) won’t be implemented

– driver perk that would increase the power of the engine is not planned

– the AMX ELC had the option to autoalign the hull with the gun removed, because it was never intended to have it in the first placeAMX ELC那条是说不能通过炮管瞄向来控制车体转动(参考TD,SPG),摇头晃脑卖卖萌就够了。

Overlord info (his answers summed up)
Source: http://overlord-wot.blogspot.cz/ … s.html#comment-form

Q: German TD’s?
A: Somewhere in late 2013. German mediums are to come in 8.5, as for TDs – late autumn – winter I’d say.

Q: The future of WoT for 2013?
A: You already know what is coming for 8.4, I guess. What we have for this year more British tanks, German MT line with Leo (soonish), stretching SPGs to 10 tiers, prolly Japs if they make it.

Q: What about endgame content?
A: “Proper” endgame content is in the works. 7/42 is promoted as main esports format.

Q: How’s Maus and E-100 doing?
A: Mauses are used on city maps like Himmelsdorf and Erlenberg, while E100s are even more popular on CWs. Can’t say they are not used at all.


– weak points of the FV215b TD, according to devs: long reload time, ain spread, size of the vehicle and thin armor
183 fv215b td的缺点一堆, 装填时间, 瞄准, 肉体大小,还有嘎嘣脆!

– recently SerB was sitting in Gas Powered Games studio with Chris Taylor, making plans for future (Supreme Commander series – not out of the question).
近期,SerB在Gas Powered Games工作室, 与克里斯·泰勒制定未来计划(最高指挥官“系列也是可能的)。

– module saving throw is used for each shell independently

– the Panzer IIG uranium (gold) shells are extremely expensive, this is intentional
2哥的金币弹灰常贵! 我们是故意弄的

– smooth sniper mode zooming is not planned, increase in zoom is not planned either (
平滑开镜瞄准不打算弄, 放大瞄准倍率也不打算弄

– zoom has no influence on aim speed

– apparently, the changed engine fire mechanics do not cause more crits then before in 8.4
显然, 之前花冻鸡的着火造成更多伤害的机制0.8.4以后会有所改变

– the physics engine does calculate with center of gravity, but the CoG has no influence on combat characteristics

– German 30mm Mk103 gun penetration values? For example here. Also, the muzzle brake is modelled correctly (the openings are vertical, not horizontal)
元首的 30mm MK103 机关枪的穿深值? 看这里┏ (゜ω゜)=☞here. 同事跑控制推起也更正了

– the HEAT mechanism in game has not been changed. “Yet”.

– Q: “Will you nerf the HEAT shells?” A: “Why not buff them? In other words: no comment for now”
你们会砍HEAT炮弹么? 答:为啥不加强他们呢?–问了等于白问

– bases won’t be changed to look the way they do in the tutorial

– garage and historical battles (in some form) will be implemented, hardcore mode – definitely not, other modes – not in near future车库站和历史站会开的,但是”硬汉”模式肯定不会,  其他的模式将在不久开放

– Superpershing is not influenced by the Panther LFP changes (the thickness of the Panther plates is known – 40mm)

– Ruinberg will not be fixed in 8.4 (devs planned to make the streets less bumpy) despite the fact it was written in Russian patchnotes, it will be fixed in 8.5
鲁别克0.8.4还不会回炉 –尽管俄服的更新日志里有写,不过这图将在0.8.5回炉

– devs are considering the idea to actually implement the possibility to change not only crew members’ tank training, but also their profession (radioman to gunner etc.)
dev正在考虑不仅让成员可以重新训练熟练度, 也想让他们可以变换职业的可能性(比如让接线生去当炮手!!!)


– Vickers Mk.I was not, is not and will not be considered for tier 8 premium British tank

– more than 3 types of shells per vehicle are not considered for now

– one of the “canonical” Japanese Ho-Ri variant pictures has 7 roadwheels – SerB is not sure if it’s an error or a different chassis (Chi-To)
鬼子的ホリ变种有7个负重轮 –SerB不确定其正确与否,可能是别的悬挂(チト)

– no league MM planned (SerB states it’s not technically difficult, but not needed)
没打算做联队MM (SerB说这不是技术问题, 只是没必要)

– it’s possible that the HEAT mechanics will be modified so that the gap between armor screen (spaced armor) and the main armor has more effect (SS: if I understood this correctly)
有可能会改变heat机制, 让间隔装甲和主装甲的间隙部变的更有效.(SS:如果我理解正确的话)

– Q: “Why is the E-50 gun gold round of the 88 L/100 of the E-50 more expensive than the E-75 gold shells?” A: “Because the Ahnenerbe had to transport not only the gun from the future, but also each round for it”
为啥E-50的超长88的金币蛋比E75的还贵?!! 答: 因为Ahnenerbe不得不把这门炮从未来穿越回来, 还要穿越着买炮弹

– special rewards for top 5-10 server clans are not planned for now

– new modes will come in time (SS: by this, historical and garage battles are meant most likely)
新的战斗模式就快落地了(SS: 车库战和历史)

– the AMX ELC change (hull lock possibility removed) didn’t make it to patchnotes, as stuff gets forgotten sometimes
AMX ELC-伊拉克(车体锁定可能解除)的改变没有写进更新日志, 好像是某些人忘记了写了~

– the “cap” plate above the IS-4 mantlet is not a part of the hitbox, any shots at it pass thru it into the roof behind it
杠4炮盾上面的盖子不是hitbox, 任何打到这里的炮弹都会直接穿过到后面

– post-battle chat? “it’s possible” (SS: wtf? didn’t SerB deny it yesterday on Riddit)
战后聊天?”可能吧” (SS: what the F*ck, 昨天这货才在riddit上否认了来着)

– company and random statistics will be separate in the future, platoon and random won’t
联队和野队的战绩以后会分开的, 不过单飞和3p的绝对不会分开

– so far there is no official opinion on XVM (whether it’s bad or good)
目前为止, xvm战绩插件都和官方无关(这插件的好坏与否)

– the tank drifting is okay as it is according to devs

– in 0.8.4, the limit 72km/h was lifted, Storm states there are still issues (namely with shell penetration during high speeds), but these issues are so rare they decided to lift the limit
在0.8.4里,坦克速度上限被提升至72km每小时。Storm表示还是有问题的……(主要是计算炮弹相对速度和穿深的方面。)但影响不大,因为很稀有。(消失的炮弹也是“极其之稀有的”?) -花痴喵提供

– no additional penalty for drowning will be implemented, as the amount of drowners after implementing full repair costs for drowning dropped substantially
跳水不会再有额外的惩罚了. 因为他们已经交足了全额修车费{所有零件修理费用}

– there are no plans to actually implement damage from battle into the replay filename

– British 6-pdr guns were analogical to the Soviet 57mm ZIS-4 when it came to penetration abilities
女王的6磅炮和毛子的57毫米 zis-4的穿深有些类似

– railways on all maps will be made lower (so the tank doesnt rock too much)

– Storm doesn’t think the British TDs are overpowered

– Christie tanks will definitely not come in 2013

– Ola got promoted, she doesn’t have time anymore (for public WoT appearances)
SerB的女儿 Ola升职后, 没时间再客串出现了= = !可惜

– it is already decided, what comes in 0.8.5, devs are working on it right now, it will be (also) something else than just a branch of tanks已经确定0.8.5的内容绝对不会只有一条新线而已~ dev还在抓紧时间赶工中

Also, a player named Bersrk wrote a few articles on WoT Wiki (in Russian) of alternative German TD’s. It’s unclear, how authentic the module statistics are:
外服玩家Bersrk在俄国的wiki上yy了一些元首的td: 如下
Marder III
Sturer Emi

As always, the questions and answers are redacted. I picked out the most interesting ones. Actually, we really need something like this on the EU server. SerB, Storm… whoever has time. Not sure why only Reddit gets the attention like this, can’t the EU community organizers organize something like this for once? Still, it’s very much appreciated.

Q: What are your thoughts on tier 10 medium balance? I know the majority of the community (myself included) condsiders the T-62A to be extremely powerful relative to other nations tier 10 mediums. Are there any major balance changes planned to bring all the tier 10 mediums in line with eachother?
A: The T-62A is second to last in terms of effectiveness. The most effective is the Patton 3, then the Batchat. Do you really want us to buff the T-62A?
乃们考虑过10级中坦的平衡性么? 我知道一直主要的公会觉得T-62A比其他的10级中坦牛x多了.对此你们打算做点大改动么?
答: T-62A实际是倒数第二。第一是巴顿3-m48,然后是叉子轮。你真的希望我们加强T-62A?

Q: I am under the impression that Serene Coast will be removed from the game following 8.4. What will wargaming be doing to make this map balanced and playable?
A: There are several different ideas, for example to add another route to the map, which would follow the sand coast. However, this is something which is handled by our level-designers.

Q: Is the recent Batchat 155 patch regarding the removal of vents historically accurate?
A: This is accurate.
你们拆了155查查炸逼的通风是符合历史的么?答: 当然

Q: Are there plans to make the T-25 have its historically accurate autoloader?
A: In a premium configuration, no. However, if we include it as part of a European Tree this may happen.
咳咳……作为JB车,不会的。 但如果我们以后再欧洲联合线中放个T-25进去,很有可能。

Q: Will there ever be skill-based match-making?
A: No, our view is that if you become a skilled player then you should be able to use that skill to full advantage in all battles.
智能分房?答:不会的!在我们看来,如果你成了睾丸, 你该在任何局面下都能合理利用能体现你睾丸水准的战斗力来作战!

Q: New chat system?
A: We are currently in the process of implementing a new chat system and are experimenting with it in World of Warplanes. The new chat system will not have a lot of the current restrictions.

Q: In relation to WoT becoming in e-sport what are your thoughts about dialing down the RNG? Do you feel that the randomness is an essential part of the game?
A: All games have some sort of RNG in them, including those that have been a part of esports for a while.
介于wOT即将成为一项电子竞技项目,你们是怎么考虑和设计随机 变数系统的?(RNG,random number generator :随机数发生器。说白了就是上下限浮动区间,随机扔x子DND的那种,而不是类似LOL 绝对固定数值,类比dota 是浮动攻击力)是否认为存在伤害区间这种设计是游戏的精髓之一?

Q: Will you expand all of the scout branches to tier 8?
A: Some of them, yes, others no.

Q: Will you implement the T-62 tank destroyer?
A: I am not sure that this exact vehicle would be a good candidate for a premium TD. As far as the photo, we considered it but felt that it was too modern.
照片T-62 tank destroyer

Q: Hi SerB, I’d like to know what Wargaming intends to do against AFK players/bots and idlers.
A: We will ban the bots. We analyze the battle statistics and see if players are botting. If we determine that they are, then their entire account is wiped and all accomplishments are removed.
One of the patches this year will contain a major upgrade to the Platoon/Company interface. We call it the “Dating Agency” interface.

Q: Any plans for a premium american TD?
A: In the near future, there are no plans for a Premium American TD, however as soon as The_Chieftain finds something appropriate, we may reconsider. (at that point, The_Chieftain joins the thread with ”
Eh? Hang on, let me send you an email… :P”
山姆大叔的JB TD啥时候来啊?

Q: Alternative French lines?
A: We have plans to add a new French heavy tank line and a French medium tank tree, however when it comes to timing all I can say is “stay tuned.”
我们计划增加 一条重,一条中。但啥时候来?等吧……该来的时候,我会吼的。。。。。

Q: Is there any plans for making more cosmetic add-ons (like how camouflage works now) for gold that adds a slight benefit? Such as much asked for shurzen for german tanks, sandbag armour for M4-variants etc.
A: This would require a global change for all of our content, however we already have first-stage plans for this sort of change. However, this will probably not happen in the next year or the following year. Stay tuned.

Q: How much work happens during the supertesting and whatever goes on before a tank/patch is released to the test server?
A: Around 1.5 months per batch of tanks (5-10).

Q: Is there any intent to buff the IS-7 which is the under performing tier 10?
A: I am against buffing the IS-7, however my colleagues who are responsible for game balance have won the argument that it is necessary in improve the speed of the tank to make it more closely resemble its real-life speed. Let’s see what happens 😉
有木有buff IS-7的想法啊?作为10级车里面比较对不起等级的表现(你在说E100 用硬币蛋吗?用JB蛋的E100你懂的……)
我反对buff IS-7. 但我的同事吵赢了我认为非常必要提升IS-7的速度,以还原接近显示数据。等着瞧吧~

Q: Will we ever see the Pz B2 on sale again?
A: I don’t determine what’s placed in the gift shop, but I doubt that these two tanks will be widely available as these two tanks do not conform to our new philosophy regarding premium tanks.

Q: Multi-core support?
A: We are reliant on a middle-ware supplier. When they release a new version of the software, there should be no problems.

Q: Was the JagdPanzer E-50 not considered, missed or just not wanted?
A: The E series is a paper tank, which we are introducing only because we have a dire need for it. This does not apply to the E-50 TD.

Q: Are there many tanks that were in supertesting that never made it to the game?
A: There were some, such as the SU-85I, which did not make it into the game because of marketing reasons.

Q: Any plans on offering different games than the 15 vs 15 standard?
A: The 7v7 mode will be available in one of our upcoming patches. 30v30 and higher are still up in the air.

Q: Nation vs Nation, any plans? A: Yes

Q: Remove premium ammo completely? A: Never.

Q: When will there be Clan War functions such as mercenaries, revolts, taxes, etc.
A: Mercenaries are being reworked because in the current iteration, they are simply like extra people for clans.

Q: Will German tanks such as the PzIV, PzIII and StuG get an option to be fitted with full sideskirts?
A: In due time.

Q: How about implementing a way to get experience other than pure damage?  I can spend a match protecting the SPG and easily be a factor in the match by allowing my SPG to survive and do damage, but I get nothing for it. You need to offer rewards for doing things that help the team other than direct damage.
A: Experience is not given for damage directly. Experience is given for active actions in battle, if you are active in close encounter battles you will receive what you should.
有啥关于除了伤害以外的经验获取途径吗?例如我整场都在保护我们 的火♂炮,但毛都没来一个。我觉得应该对那种捍卫后方,但那条路鬼都没飘过来的后援童鞋一些补偿。经验不仅仅来源于伤害,而是实际行动。如果你积极参加战 斗,有所行动,你会在最后的战斗详情里看到你的回报。(童鞋,不会打伤害,就上去点灯吧……)

Q: Is there any chance of an ETA for WoW or at least a rough time frame?
A: You should ask Blizzard about WoW. As far as WoWP, there is only a bit of time left before a formal announcement is made. WoWS is a bit further out.
A:你去问隔壁暴雪吧! 不过wowp的话还有不久就会正式发通告了, wows的话还早呢

Q: Any plans on the T25/2 getting a gun that will make it worth playing?
A: The T25/2 is fine as is.

Q: Any plans on making the AMX 12t and AMX 13 90 useful?  Again, its a pretty long grind through these and they can’t do much.
A: French light tanks are very effective already. But only in the hands of a competent player.
能让12t和13 90显得更有用一点吗?很多时候他们都帮不上啥忙。

Q: What is your opinion on premium ammo?
A: It helps. Sometimes.
你对金币弹肿么看?答: 有时候挺管用的。

Q: Do you consider giving the B1 is 75mm instead of the 37mm?
A: A 75mm gun on the B1 would not even be able to move horizontally within the body of the tank. Are you really sure that you want to suffer that?
你不觉得应该给B1 75mm么?37mm太2了。
嘛~B1 上75mm管子就别指望左右转脖子了。B1那车身就那德行,你确定你想要的是个完全

Q: Plans to remove trollplatoons?
A: No
打算整顿下组队邀请刷屏的么? 没打算

Q: Is there any plans to fix the size of the model of the Matilda Black Prince? Currently it is considerably larger than every other Matilda in the game, and the turret weight is another issue, why is it so much heavier than the turret on the Cromwell? It is currently 3 tons heavier, is it not supposed to be the same turret?
A: I can’t track everything. If the people responsible for that find an inconsistency, they will correct it.
你们不觉得玛蒂尔达黑亲王的体型太大了么?bla bla bla……

Q: MBT’s?
A: Not in this game.
主站坦克? 在游戏里不会的

Q: Why don’t we have post-battle chat along with the battle results?
A: We are not really interested in implementing that because we feel that the losing team will only post insults. Perhaps we should only implement this feature for the winning team? 😉

Q: What design decision had the most unexpected result, such as a tank being unusually popular or a gameplay change not working as intended?
A: The introduction of the IS-7 at the earliest stages. We still suffer from this, but fixing the problem by removing the tank is now impossible.
答:引进的IS-7的最早阶段, 我们还很痛苦的,但是现在把杠7删掉已经不可能了。

Q:Sometimes rebalancing completely changes a tank’s playstyle. How do you feel when that happens?
A: First of all, we monitor the statistics and second of all forums. And after seeing the crying on the forums, we go back to the statistics.

Q: Night battles- will we see them in the next year or two?
A: We’ll try implementing this in the next 2 years.

Q: Weather Effects- why have we only seen fog on Dragon Ridge?
A: It was an experimen. It looks great, but it lags the client.
天气效果?为啥我们在香格里拉只能看见雾? 答:嘛~那只是个实验。看起来很好,但客户端会鸟卡……

Q: Will we see more weather effects soon and will they effect directly? Ex. Dust storm at the bottom of the valley in El Halluf, could lower visibility and increase camo of those tanks within.
A: From a game design perspective, we are trying to implement this. BigWorld is currently working on making this possible.
我们能见到更多的天禧效果么?它们都能直接显示么? 比如艾利哈罗夫刮起沙尘暴之类的!!!然后降低能见度, 提高了隐蔽效果之类的.答:从游戏设计观点来出发,我们努力去搞,不过这得靠bigworld这引擎去实现! 目前这引擎正朝着这方面努力….

Q: Mods – Overlord recently announced an upcoming policy change regarding mods, care to elaborate in more detail?
A: Not yet. We have to form our policies in such a way that we are able to resolve mods which do not unfairly give an advantage and insure that there is no form of minor cheating. Major cheating is not a problem because everything is on our servers.
答:目前还不行, 不过我们的出发点就是不能让你用某种插件获得不公平的优势(相对于没使用的玩家).而且会保证没有任何形式的小作弊.大的作弊你们也做不了,我们可是服务器/客户端这样的游戏模式!

Q: Why not put on hold deciding on what mods need to be disabled, and just disable mods for CW and tournaments completely, until you can come up with the best method for disabling particular mods and what they mods will be?
A: Because there are millions(well…thousands) of players working against us. Unless we develop specific tools for every conceivable situation, we will be dealing with a situation of trying to put locks on the barn after the horses have already been stolen.

Q: Now that the speed limit of 72 km/h is removed from the game, are there any plans to give tanks historically accurate speed limits?
A: While the speed limitation has been removed from the game, the question of being able to actually achieve such a speed with the current engines remains to be answered.
答: 问题是虽然取消极速了, 不过就目前的引擎来说能不能达到还是个问题

Q: Are there any plans for a 5 crew British Medium Premium tank?
A: We haven’t found such a tank yet.

Q (this one’s mine): Dear SerB, is there (even a small) chance for Czechoslovakia to have its own (mini)tree? There seem to be enough vehicles for it… thank you
A: Surely. But it is most likely to be included in the European tree.
亲爱的Serb, 捷克斯洛伐克会有自己的科技树么?看起来它们该有足够的车辆填坑的!

Q: Was the US T93 considered as an alternate tier 8 artillery or gun?
A: It is a downgrade to the T92, so if we decide to create a Tier 10 which isn’t the top tank at the very beginning, then it would be an option.

And that’s all. Let’s hope something like this appears for the EU players also 🙂


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