【Developer Q&A 】2014/07/10


– the info about Tanitha being in charge of WoT wiki is obsolete, he no longer is (for quite some time apparently)
Tanitha是掌管WoT wiki的人的说法已经过时了,他已经不是了(而且很长时间以前就不是了)

– it’s possible that the “supertest leak” policy will be revised. Tanitha:

“However leaks do happen, and then are announced on other websites without the accompanying information/facts/reasoning/purpose/disclaimers/etc .. this situation isn’t ideal so we will be revising the current “leak” procedures in the short future. It will be my aim in these discussion to attempt to aim at having ST leaks channeled to our players through our official sources (forums) so we can include the required associated information with the leaks. Instead of the leaks sometimes being being accompanied by misinformation and speculation when released unofficially.”

(SS:  I think everyone with half a brain knows that the supertester data are preliminary and instead of revealing how exactly the vehicles will behave, they basically only reveal the direction Wargaming is thinking in and sometimes the visuals of a model (which is unlikely to change further unless there is some serious problem with the model). Personally, although what Tanitha suggested is quite interesting, I very much doubt anything will change, since he will run into the same obstacles as others did for years before him – “we can’t release info that will change”)

– no plans to return Type 59 to the shop

– tier 9 premium tanks – no such plans

(SS: one more note about this info from Tanitha – where he works as a Wargaming representative, I need to interpret his data. In the past, he asked me specifically to include words such as “maybe” and “unlikely” in the translations – here, he wrote that tier 9 premium tanks are unlikely, but I know for a fact from RU forums that that will not happen, because RU players ask such stupid shit every now and then, hence including “unlikely” in the transcript is counterproductive, as it actually leaves players the impression that there is a small chance of that happening (there is not) and encourages them to ask this stuff further, even though game developers have repeatedly states this will not happen).

– Tanitha, regarding the Type 59 not returning to shops: “There will likely however be similar tanks up for sale later this year though.” (SS: T-54 Light)

And from Storm:

– from 9.3 onwards, there will be more HD tanks per patch, since the outsourcing finally started working

– alternative hulls will definitely not come this year

– Storm explains why alternative hulls will not come this year:

“Internal art department is too small to produce models of such complexity. We had to find an external company for outsourcing, give them test models, evaluate the test results, then we found out they suck, we had to find another external company, then tests again, then we had to give them their tasks, then the schedule was pushed several times, then there was a lot of rework and corrections in the models, then fixes again, work optimization, training etc. All this took several months and this process is still not finished.”

– 9.2 will bring many smaller graphical fixes (regarding the way the models look)

– 9.3 will bring cca 18 new HD tanks apart from the new regular tanks

– the turret turning sounds are intentionally quiet – when the developers tried to make them louder, they started to be annoying

– FV215b (183) “will do fine in 9.2″

– the WT E-100 changes in 9.2 concern only the 128mm gun
9.2的WT E-100改动只关系到128mm炮

– KV-1S will be split “later” (SS: as in not in 9.2)

– there will be no compensation (free stuff) for WT E-100 and FV215b (183) nerfs
关于WT E-100和FV215b(183)的改动不会有任何的补偿(免费的东西)

– interestingly enough, the light T-54 is now being tested as a “light tank” for some reason (SS: probably just some test thingie)

【Developer Q&A 】2014/07/10》上有3个想法

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