【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/30, 7/1 – R2D2


– according to The_Chieftain, it’s possible (not anytime soon tho) that the T29 series of US heavy tanks will eventually be nerfed, because preliminary measuring suggest that the mantlets aren’t as thick as it was originally thought

– SerB won’t tell, how EXACTLY is the XP income calculated

– apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across)

– SerB states that while the HESH might be reconfigured for another mechanism, the spall liner will continue to work against it

– no new heavy lines have been introduced lately, because there are few candidates for them. They will come in time.
最近没有推出新的重坦线,是因为用来凑线的候补车辆不太够,至于什么时候能凑够车出新重坦线 —— “等做好的时候就会有了。”

– it’s possible there might be a new “Interesting mechanics” video, explaining the 8.6 changes

– it’s possible the option (mentioned in March) to retrain various crewmembers to another role (for example radioman to gunner) will come in time, but it doesn’t have too high a priority, as there are “more important tasks” and implementing this would take like a month of work
三月份曾经提到过以后会有把车组成员训练成不同职位 (例如通信员转成炮手) 的功能,目前的情况还是“等做好了就会有”,因为这项功能的工作优先度不高,而开发组有“更多更重要的任务”要做。

– random games without platoons are not planned

– there are no plans to nerf tank destroyers for now

– SerB said he predicted that the next target of mass whining will be the tank destroyers and that he was right
SerB说他曾预测下个被大规模抱怨的目标是TD —— 于是他猜对了。

– shells in WoT are not objects, they have no mass or dimensions, they are basically just dots (so are the points of impact they are not “holes”)
游戏里的炮弹不属于物体,它们没有重量和大小,它们实际上只是一个点 —— 炮弹打在装甲上的弹孔其实也只是一个点,不是一个真正的洞。

– SerB states it’s not true that a shell only has following parameters: penetration, damage, velocity, he also names caliber, base ricochet angle, base approach angle, damage to modules and splash. And that’s all.
SerB表示游戏里炮弹的数据并非只有穿深、伤害和飞行速度,其他还包括口径 (用来判断碾压效果、弹道粗细等)、基本跳弹角度、转正值(根据前后文,这个“基础到达角度”应该是指转正值) 、零件伤害以及爆炸半径。

– SerB confirms that since the RU7 server works with a special matchmaker version, then yes, at any point the developers can change the MM mechanism on various servers separately

– the WoWp open beta will be launched on 2nd July, but the unified premium account will come a bit later

– SerB is playing WoWp even for pleasure (not just as a job), he plays with mouse-keyboard and

– apparently, the preferred trees in Baltic countries and in China are Soviet

– it won’t be possible for players to choose their preferable MM spread (SS: some player actually wanted a -2/+4 spread for his KV)
不会提供“允许玩家自己选择更高分房范围”这种功能。 (有玩家表示希望可以选择像以前一样进比自己车等级高4级的房间,这样不组队就可以享受糊高级车一脸的快感。)

– keyboard indicator on password screen, tank carousel selection in the garage and aim sights with timers and colour choices are not considered too important by SerB

– there are no plans to introduce a “cyclone filter” equivalent for German and American tanks

– Q: “There are too many KV-1S, will they get their 122mm removed?” A: “How terrible…”
– Q: “Will Hetzer lose its 105mm?” A: “How terrible…”
“KV-1S太多了,它们的122炮会砍掉吗?” “这太可怕了…”
“追猎者的105炮会砍掉吗?” “这太可怕了…”

– KV-1S will stay on tier 6 and will NOT lose its 122mm
KV-1S会留在6级,也 不会 砍掉122炮。

– it’s possible that when the hulls of the vehicles are interchangeable, the name of the tank will change with them, but for now this won’t be implemented (SS: there is a plan to introduce a feature that hulls will be unlockable as modules)

– the “bamboo canes” on Chinese maps provide no camo bonus at all

– more realistic tank destruction model will come

– SerB states that since this answering is not his duty but his free time, he considers it a relaxation

– MT-25 stats? “No comment on leaks, wait for patchnotes”

– your game settings are stored on your computer, not on the server, it’s impossible for now to do it serverside

– SerB confirms: E-79 is a fake tank, invented by the Japanese (modellers)
E-79是日本人编造出来的虚构车辆。 (我们大概都清楚这是永野老贼的手笔。)

– this situation is impossible in WoT, as the physical armor in the game is 0mm thick armor thickness is just a number
这个 ([图片链接])情况是不会在游戏里发生的,因为游戏里的装甲模型没有实际厚度,车辆装甲厚度只是分配给那些装甲模型平面上用来计算的数值。

– SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never showed up

– no alternative turret designs for Indien-Panzer have been found, if some appear, the devs will add them to the game

– T-44 is moving worse than T-54 (despite having a powerful engine), because “the suspension is obsolete”

– SU-14-2 elevation angle won’t be buffed

– periodical map changes are based on Wargaming’s interpretation of map statistics, such as sides winrates, places where tanks die etc.

– the case where a new tank crew member is being added to a tank (the MT-25 case) has not happened before

– SerB states that the implementation of Japanese tanks into the game goes slowly. Wargaming did get some data, but SerB is asking players if anyone has any additional data on the Japanese heavies, send them

– Japanese medium tanks won’t be commented for now, but SerB comments on the Japanese tanks in general: medium tanks are ready (SS: as in all found), there are some issues with the heavies (not enough credible info on the O-I variants and the T10 tank), there are still tier 4 and 5 holes (Type 91 and Type 95 are tier 3 max, while the Iwakuro heavy tank goes to tier 6). As for tank destroyers, those are theoretically all found, but the developers are looking for more credible info on them (not the one found on the internet).
SerB大概谈了一下日系科技树:中坦线已经准备好,目前的问题是重坦线的车和资料都不太足够,4级和5级没有合适的车 (91式和95式最多3级,然后Iwakuro重坦去6级),至于TD线,理论上已经决定好,不过开发人员还需要更多可靠的资料 (不是网上随便搜到的那些)。

– it’s possible, that the Japanese tree won’t come out with a heavy branch, but with TD’s and mediums only, or even with a light/medium branch, without TD’s and heavies.

– Sturmtiger is still planned

– Chi-He and Chi-Nu Japanese tanks will appear as mediums

– SerB confirms that the age of the tanks fighting each other is irrelevant, Leopard 1 fighting a T-44 is just fine

– SerB states that the lower penetration of wartime Soviet guns is caused not by low quality gunpowder (which was partially imported from USA, thus being of good quality), but by bad armor-piercing shell design


First some info from the developers from a recent post on the RU WoT blog:

– apparently, the fact that The_Chieftain did measure the mantlet of the T29 to be thinner than what Hunnicutt suggests does not imply that the T29 mantlet will be nerfed, it will be re-checked eventually

– IS-4 (SS: frontal) armor was not nerfed in 8.6, according to Storm


– it is confirmed that there will be NO tier 5 Soviet light tank after 8.7: T-50 will remain at tier 4 (SS: it was leaked earlier that it will lead to T-34) and the MT-25 will move to tier 6 (SS: and will be unlockable from KV-1S, to which the T-50 experience will be transferred in 8.7 apparently)
苏系科技树终于确认了一件比较奇葩的事:8.7里将不会有5级苏系轻坦 —— T-50会留在4级 (并且根据之前的泄露情报,下一级车会连到T-34上面),替换T-50-2的MT-25则会移到6级 。(并且MT-25变成从KV-1S路线研发,所以8.7超测里T-50上的个体经验被转移到了KV-1S上)

– KV-1S 122mm gun nerf? “Penetration will stay, it’s historical. Other characteristics of the gun can be nerfed or buffed if needed. And we decide what’s needed.”

– Storm confirms that weight of the ammo does not count towards the tank weight (SS: ammo simply has no weight in WoT)

– the possibility of retraining crewmembers to different roles: when it’s done it’s done (but not soon)

– when considering what modules to take for a scout, the module weight does play a role in the vehicle’s maneuverability, so it is worth considering

– it is actually possible to shoot a tank straight thru (the shell penetrates, goes thru the tank, penetrates again and goes out on the other side) as long as the 10 caliber rule is observed (SS: a shell that enters the tank travels inside only the distance of its caliber*10, eg. a 150mm shell will travel 1500mm inside)

– when asked about a possibility to introduce Soviet tanks with improvised armor (skirts, for example), he stated that later tanks had overloaded frontal wheels even as it was, so any “normal” vehicles with screen armor are the late (postwar) ones

– VK4502P won’t become a T8 premium tank

– the prototype Maus design viable for T9 comes from one recently published German book

SS: you can read about the Maus prototypes here:
VK100.01P This is how Maus started
Typ 205 Porsche Unleashed
Typ 205A Porsche Unleashed II

– actually, SerB states Wittman’s medal was removed at German request

– while camo factor for vehicles is assigned manually (and not automatically, based on their dimensions), width of the vehicle does play the biggest role
车辆的隐蔽系数是由人手一辆一辆决定的 (而不是根据游戏模型大小自动计算),其中车辆的宽度在设定隐蔽系数时影响最大。

– Q: “Arties are overnerfed” A: “How terrible…”

– according to Storm, the piece of information that German Panther tanks lose their top engines in supertest is garbage, however SerB later confirms it: Panthers will lose unhistorical top engines and possibly gain new historical ones, he states that overall the top configuration gameplay won’t change

– T92 lost its top engine, since “it doesn’t need it”

– developers don’t get free tanks for their personal accounts, they buy them both SerB and V.Kisly (owner of WG) do. Only journalists do get free tanks for their accounts and only temporarily
开发人员不会在他们的个人游戏账号上免费拿到车辆,他们要自己花钱来买,包括SerB和V.Kisly (WG的CEO)也是这样。只有媒体记者使用的特殊账号能拿到免费的车辆,而且是有限期的。

– vehicle repair price is not tied to its performance, it’s set independently

– more detailed tank models? “when it’s done it’s done”, even object models will get improved

– the tank horn idea was scrapped

– unified account silver apparently won’t be shared between WoWp and WoT

– new tier 7 premium heavy tank? “Not anytime soon”

– the difference between 112 and WZ-111 is “hull shape”

– WZ-111 and Type 62 will most likely come to the shops (SS: the question is aimed at RU server, but I doubt it would be any different for other servers)

– the T-50-2 will not turn into a premium vehicle

– new tier 8 premium vehicles? “Will tell when the time is right”

– night battles are still planned, SerB will tell more (for example on how the lights will work) when the time is right

【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/30, 7/1 – R2D2》上有1个想法

  1. 敢不敢把WOWP换个译名……

    还有 下打3级上打9级的是多么丧心病狂 …… 你又没有152……

    TD早晚要挨刀 虽然毛子嘴上说说

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