【Developer Q&A】2015/11/23


– Storm hopes that with the “new engine core release”, the FPS loss issues will be fixed for good

– Storm regarding the results of the T34 HD model investigation: “The vulnerable roof area from the front is practically identical to the way it was before. It became a little bit bigger but not because of the protrusion above, but because it was extended a bit to the sides. I will investigate whether it’s possible to make it the same as before. All the while the commander’s cupola is smaller and the front became thicker. In other words, sorry, this is a classic case of whining.”

– there is no info on the M6A2E1 turret roof armor thickness, that’s why WG made it based on balance and not historicity

– some players are reporting problem with not being able to press the report button in the game, this is tied to mods

– regarding the complaints about AT 15A detail quality, Storm states it’s roughly the same as IS-6, the mudguards really stand out because they are quite large
关于针对AT 15A细节质量的抱怨,Storm表示说它的细节质量和IS-6差不多,但是挡泥板那么引人注意的原因是太大了

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