Yuri Pasholok的QA (2015/11/04)


– Regarding the Type 62 and WZ-131 in WoT, it’s a successful example of making a light tank out of a medium one. The Americans wanted to do the same thing (T20 Medium Tank into T21) but in the end didn’t do it for a number of reasons, but in the case of the Type 62, the vehicle was successful since it’s still in service in a number of countries

– The ingame 121/121B are predecessors of Type 69, which was an improved version of Type 59. The 121 designation was selected because WoT has a limit on how old (or rather new) vehicles can appear in the game (and 1969 was too new), although this limit was later broken anyway in order to provide some nations with adequate hightier vehicles (for example the case of STB-1)

– Wargaming Tactical Press (the publishing company responsible for Wargaming books) stopped working for a “number of reasons”
Wargaming Tactical Press(一家负责给WG出书的公司)由于“各种原因”不再工作了

– Yuri Pasholok’s book on “land cruisers” (giant vehicles such as Ratte) is almost ready but since he’s really busy this year (for example working on Swedish tank data), it won’t be finished until December. Whether it will be published is another question.
Yuri Pasholok的关于“陆地巡洋坦克”(栗如Ratte这种巨型坦克)快写完了,但是他今年很忙(比如还要去忙瑞典坦克的数据),所以在12月之前都没办法真正的写完。至于会不会拿出来卖就是另一个问题了
Ratte:也就是Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte,又称P-1000,是德国曾经计划要开发的一辆1000吨的重型坦克。然而该计划在1943年被放弃。武器配备为280mm舰炮两门(同沙恩霍斯特),128mm炮两门,Flak38高射炮8门,15mm MG151/15两挺。动力由8台2000马力的柴油机提供,极速可达40km/h(预想)

– KV-5 with 152mm gun is apparently a fake

– The tankers in WW2 generally did not aim at weakspots but simply at the middle of the hull

– guns BL-9 and S-26-1 share identical barrels, the main feature of the S-26 was that the mechanism was unified with the 130mm version

– The 1915 “Rubinsky Factory Tank” a fake? “Hard to say” – Yuri Pasholok mostly deals with 1925-1950 tank development.
1915年的“鲁宾斯基工厂坦克”是假的吗?“很难说”—Yuri Pasholok主要是在搞1925~1950年之间的坦克发展


– The Korean Koksan is a practical proof that it’s possible to put a ridiculously large gun on small chassis (such is the case of the Grille 15 WT E-100 replacement)
朝鲜的Koksan是对于把超大号主炮丢在一个小底盘上的实践证明(所以用来替换WT E-100的蟋蟀15也是一样)

– The chance that Begleitpanzer 57 will appear in WoT is zero (too new)
Begleitpanzer 57出现在WOT中的机会是0(太新了)
Begleitpanzer 57:基于黄鼠狼步兵战车的底盘所制造的一辆步兵火力支援用的坦克,只有一辆原型车被造了出来,从未进入服役。

– There were several vehicles (including for example the Renault FT and some Japanese vehicles such as Ha-Go and Chi-Ha) that had the gun mounted in a turret but also in a mount that allowed limited horizontal traverse without moving the turret (a combination of turret and SPG mount), this is not really needed in the game but it existed.

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