【Developer Q&A】2015/03/29


Not much interesting today either. Obisidian Entertainment (AW developer) released the Pillars of Eternity RPG (Baldur’s Gate 2 style, got very high reviews) – Storm tried it out and didn’t like it very much apparently (but he stated he saw only the first two zones, which is basically just tutorial – when he was told to go on to at least the third one, he said he’d suffer through it).

What might be a bit more interesting for fans of new tanks in the game – you might remember from FTR that the drawings of the first Czechoslovak premium tank (Škoda T 40)  are ready, they have been for weeks and the new tank is already scheduled in modelling department. What you might find interesting as well is that the Wargaming drawings (basically modelling blueprints) of the first regular (non-premium tier 8) tank are now ready as well, the TVP Model 1946 (aka “TVP Concept“). Everything is well on its way. The Japanese heavies will come first though, likely around summer. Japanese heavy branch will be ushered by the “Japanese Tiger” premium (leaked not so long ago) and will consist of project of various levels of historicity. Tier 9 and 10 will be mostly Wargaming made, historically they will be based on very dubious materials, such as Russian transcripts of interviews with some Japanese soldiers and scientists. Very boxy designs with large guns (think E-100), possibly the largest tanks in the game.
对于那些喜欢游戏内新车的人可能是个好消息—各位也许还记得以前FTR上公布过捷克线第一辆金币车的图纸(Skoda T-40)已经有了。各位也许对WG的常规(非金币)八级车图纸(其实就是建模用的蓝图)已经搞定了,这辆车是TVP M.1946(也就是“TVP概念车”)。目前一切顺利。然而在捷克线之前要出的是日本重坦,估计夏天就能有。日本重坦线会由“日本虎式”来作为铺垫(前段时间刚泄露的),其中整条线内会包括不同程度史实度的计划。⑨级和10级车估计就是WG制造了,史实度方面是基于一些非常暧昧的材料来参考的,栗如毛子的对于日本士兵和科学家的采访的文稿等等。设计方面就是一个很大的盒子,主炮威力很大(参照E-100),有可能会成为游戏内最大的坦克。

Skoda T-40的图纸:


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