【Developer Q&A 】2014/09/09


– Q: “What are the advantages of the T-54 Light? It has none compared to other vehicles!” A (SerB): “Don’t want to play it? Don’t play it. Better whine some more instead, for practice.”

– Q: “Will the D-10-85 gun, that was planned to be installed on SU-85, be added to other vehicles than LTTB?” A: “If needed.”

– Object 430 accuracy was decreased to 0,38 “to make it different from other Soviet tier 10 mediums”

– very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed (like the US T95 GMC) will not suffer from the “anti-AFK” system – developers do keep them in mind when designing the system
非常慢的车由于自己速度不行而导致整场战斗无所作为(栗如美国的T95 GMC)并不会因为新加入的“反AFK”系统而受罪—开发团队在开发这个系统的时候有考虑过这些车的问题

– Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation anymore

– no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on Wargaming’s mind

– Q: “Will you add medals for killing people with ricocheted shells?” A: “You think there are too few medals in the game still? :)”

– it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by driving the tank into the water, no ETA

– more tanks will have their engine/transmission split implemented in one of the upcoming patches

– new dynamic tracks (as shown in 9.3 test) are still work in progress, they have many bugs

– roadwheels of the Tiger in 9.3 test are not bugged

– Storm states that the new HD models turned out much better than the ones that were made for 9.0, for example he thinks welds are looking pretty good. IS-7 is an exception – that model is bugged – low LOD gun barrel is displayed instead.

【Developer Q&A 】2014/09/09》上有3个想法

  1. 我说的是特定条件下,比如强点或遭遇战遇到其它差不多水品的其它国家十级中坦,没掩护状态时你能扛住几次

  2. 改了430和140,62A能有啥区别,简直搞笑,即便射速上去了就那320的伤害换血都换不过人,就是个样子货

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