【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/29

source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/29/29-8-2013/

– when balancing new vehicles, their use in e-sports is not specifically taken into account
– 当对新车进行平衡时,不会特别考虑它在竞技比赛中的作用

– complete re-work of the camo system (especially to include partial cover) is planned, but it will take long time
– 全面重制隐蔽机制(特别是包含了 部分遮蔽)在计划中,但是这要花很长的时间

– Storm: “We continue to give out tanks with garage slots in case of tank switches” and – when asked – specifically on the VK3001H situation, he replied “as always” (SS: other sources also confirmed that yes, you will get free VK3002M, if you have the VK3001H in your garage)
– Storm 说:“如果有坦克替换,我们依旧会发放坦克附带车位。”当问及坦克的替换尤其是 VK3001H 的替换方案时,他回答说与“与往常一样”(SS:其他途径也证实了这条消息是准确的,如果你车库里有 VK3001H,你将免费获得一个 VK3002M)


M48 Errata – M48勘误

Just a quick update: today, I wrote in the Q&A session that M48 might get a buff. I was wrong, I misread one of the questions/answers. At this moment, no M48 buff is planned.

Sorry for that.

SS说: 早前的Q&A里说M48 可能会buff. 结果他错了, 目前木有任何buff M48的计划. 不好意思咯!!!

8.8 test 2 changes (compared to test 1)

source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/29/8-8-test-2-changes-compared-to-test-1/

Since the EU and US portal updates lack this, here’s the list (some things I am not sure what they mean)

– fixed numerous bugs and fixed the lagging (crashing) of the new Service Record window
– 修复了许多bug并且修复了个人战绩界面延迟(崩溃)的问题

– fixed numerous bugs in the Missions window
– 修复了任务界面的许多bug

– fixed the performance drop in the Missions window
– 修复了任务界面电脑性能下降的问题

– fixed some bugs in the Special battles window
– 修复了特殊战役界面(领土战/竞技场)的一些bug

– fixed some bugs in the Company battles window
– 修复了联队界面的一些bug


Storm posts on 8.8 (test 2)

Source: http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/237594.html

For 8.8

– Superpershing: the strip of improved upper hull armor was made two times wider (in accordance with the visual model)
– 超级潘兴:车体首上的第二层装甲带加宽了两倍(与外观模型一致)

– E-75 bad and medium terrain passability was significantly improved
– E-75 在 软地 和 中地 上的履带适应性明显提高

– the ammo sliders were returned to the way they were before for now, the new variant will be implemented later with other fixes (most likely with the possibility to lock the respective types of shells)
– 弹药调整滑动条暂时变回了之前的样子,以后新的式样将会连同其他的改动一起加入(很可能会有锁定某种炮弹的功能)

– there will be a surprise concerning the global rating, a special article on that will be prepared
– 将会有一个有关整体效率值的惊喜,将准备一篇文章特别说明这个

– the British blue stripe camo will return to the way it was before
– 英国的蓝色条纹涂装将会变成他原来的样子
