WOT超测服QA+GGamescom QA整合



1. Testing of the Swedish Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 is being conducted. The current testing phase is intended to try out a variant with a 3-shot drum magazine. The testing results will decide the final configuration of this tier 6 machine.
1. 针对瑞典那辆6级的Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2的测试正在进行中。当前的测试是为了测试一个弹夹炮(弹夹内有3发炮弹的)版本。测试的结果会决定这辆6级车最后会以什么面目示人。

2. Testing of 2 maps with the names slope and slope_01 is being conducted. The city location was improved to simplify orientation during combat. Also, different kinds of lightning will be tested. The goal is to test the comfort of night lighting in comparison to standard daytime light.
2. 现在正在测试两张新的地图,分别叫做slope和slope_01。 城区的位置为了简化战斗时的方向而做出了调整。并且他们还在测试新的光源系统。他们的目标是测试与标准的日间光源相比,夜间光照的舒适度。



3. Smoke shells with yellow, green and red smoke appeared in 100 years of tanks mode, purpose unknown yet.
3. 在坦克百年祭模式中出现了黄色,绿色和红色的烟雾弹,至于为什么有烟雾弹还不知道。

  • One of the main things of which you have to understand, is that Sweden didn’t have an active part in the Second World War. However, if they had the opportunity to defend themselves, they would have made a very high quality armoured vehicles.
  • Strv M/42-57 Alt A.2 – this tank is actually very diverse in its use and can perform different roles, like a scout for example. The tank is well suited to train Swedish crews from the up-coming branch (H: Not really, the line ends in heavy tanks and tank destroyers)
    Strv M/42-57 Alt A.2 ——

  • At the moment World of Tanks has more than 400 tanks and the development team has focused on the introduction of diversity in the game. A prime example is the introduction of the Swedish Tier X STRV 103, which will bring a number of innovations.
    当下的话WOT有超过400辆坦克,开发团队现在开始注重游戏的多样性了。举个栗子就是瑞典的10级车,STRV 103,会对游戏带来很多改革。
  • What we can say about the new mode? At this time, that we recreated the real map where the events happened in the First World War and we are very proud of it.
  • Also, we are pleased to present the legendary Mark tank, which was designed during the First World War and the incredible fear it provoked to its enemies. We have tried to recreate it with certainty that even the wheels would be on the move, regardless of the terrain.
  • It won’t be possible to play in the tank (it will be controlled by a bot), but player will get a chance to prove themselves in combat in armoured combat vehicles with large calibre machine gun on board.
  • For us, as for developers, this will be an opportunity to test the new mechanics, and offer the player a new experience, in particular the time of the First World War.

  • If players like the mode, and wheeled vehicles, there is a change these vehicles will be implemented in the game, but no promises.
  • There will be a special hangar (just like with the WGL Hangar)

  • We really like the national voice for the Swedish tanks.
  • It will be possible to test the new Swedish Premium in Update 9.16
  • The new map Paris will be introduced in 9.16


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