【WOWS Q&A】2016/05/25



To be clear, top tier IJN DDs will not lose any torpedo modules in patch 0.5.6 – Quemapueblos, WG NA Producer

Thanks to Carnotzet, LilJumpa, Sharana, Babykim, Takeda92
感谢Carnotzet, LilJumpa, Sharana, Babykim, Takeda92

1. Please explain why Situation Awareness is not working as before patch 0.5.5.? (link to the video showing the issue)
1. 请解释为什么姿态感知在0.5.5版本里不起效了,而以前都是好用的(此处为视频链接

A. We haven’t changed detection mechanics so that such an effect shouldn’t have appeared. We currently think that these issues are linked to the client repackaging and the changes we made to loading process of objects. We will continue to monitor the situation and, if necessary, we will implement a fix in one of the next updates.

2. I love tier 2 battles the most: small tier gap, no torpedoes, no CV’s. Battles focused purely on ships. However, there is a serious problem, that is players skill level. There aren’t any problem with the number of players at that tier since I can find a battle within 10 seconds. This means that many players with 2000 or 3000 battles play at that rank. At the end of the battle, I look the best players (those with 5-6 ships destroyed) profiles and they usually have 600-800 battles played at tier 2. In two months, I haven’t even reached 600 battles and here is a “sealclubber” killing half a team.
2. 我最喜欢的是2级的战斗:等级之间差距低,没有鱼雷,没有CV。战斗的重心全部在船上。然而有一个很严重的问题,就是玩家的水平。这个等级上的玩家数量肯定没问题,因为我一般可以在10秒之内就完成匹配进入战斗。这也意味着有很多场次2000~3000的玩家依然在这个等级上玩。在战斗结束之后我会去观察那些最好的玩家(击杀5~6人的)的数据,他们一般都打过600~800场的2级房。我玩了两个月了都没能打到600场,而这个屠幼的玩家可以一个人就干翻对面半个队伍。

Moreover, this situation is quite demoralizing for new players who will just leave the game out of frustration.

Couldn’t you implement some sort of brackets taking into account the number of games played by players (one bracket every 500 battles or so)?

A. You can play at whatever tier you like, however, I must emphasize the fact that the game assumes players go up tiers.

New players already have a dedicated matchmaking system (sandbox) which only new players take part in for their first 30 battles. We will think about a way to introduce new players to the game more smoothly.

For the rest (the players who deliberately play a lot of battles a low tiers), well, that’s life.

3.a. Teamkillers aren’t punished hard enough. Do you plan to do something about that?
3.a. 现在对于TK玩家的惩罚力度不够。你们有计划要改动什么吗?

A. More severe measures will be introduced in patch 0.5.6.

3.b. When can we expect new tier 5-6 maps?
3.b. 啥时候会有新的5~6级地图啊?

A. Likely in 0.5.7. or 0.5.8. After that, we’ll see.

4. Wouldn’t it be possible to implement quick messages to inform teammates of our consumables reload time? For example, by pressing Ctrl + the number of a consumable or armament (torpedoes, smoke, etc), it would tell the team how long till the consumable is available.
4. 能不能实装一个可以跟队友通告消耗品的剩余CD的快速喊话,比如按Ctrl+消耗品的数字键,或者是武器(鱼雷,烟雾弹等等)可以在队伍内通告距离CD结束还有多长时间。

A. This is very interesting idea. In fact, it has been brought up internally but it was abandoned for various reasons. We will try to “revive” it.

5. What do you think about this matter?
5. 你对这个问题怎么看?

[In this post, a player talks about citadel overpens and if they should inflict more damage than the current 1/10 of max damage. At the current time (8pm CET, 20 May), the poll results are as follows:

  • like right now – 10% : 12%
  • 25% max damage : 36%
  • 50% max damage : 35%
  • full damage : 17% ]

A. Distinguishing the different types of overpens is an interesting, although not new, idea.

I already said that we plan to make some game mechanics clearer. This matter is also included in that.


There were 5 different aim assist “cheats” – 1 free and 4 paid ones. Their hacker forums says that as of 0.5.5 the free one is history, but 3 of the paid ones are working. Now after the russian “brown” and ban wave they say that 1 is detected and players using it were banned (for a week), another (the warpack one) is detected only on the players who had the lead point for CVs enabled (yes they actually made such cheat to allow potato CVs to use the manual drop and actually land good hits), while another one was used after the warnings, but so far no one got caught.

According to SubOctavian, prohibited mods and cheats are a lot more widespread on the RU server than in the other regions.

DisclaimerPlease reminded that the following informations comes from the Russian-speaking community and, as such, offers and specific projects may not apply to other clusters. Especially regarding question 6.

1. Thank you for adding AA guns on top of main turrets. However, do you plan to do the same with catapults? For example, Texas seems to be missing her main turret catapult.
1. 谢谢你们把主炮塔顶上那些防空炮加回来了。那水上机的弹射器呢?你看,德克萨斯的主炮塔上的弹射器好像被吃掉了啊。

A. They will be added, but much later.

2. If I understood it correctly, detonation ribbons are given to the victim as a consolation prize. Correct?
2. 如果我没理解错的话,殉爆勋章是作为一种安慰奖会发给那些被殉爆的玩家的,对吧?

On another topic, how are credits/xp calculated when detonating another player? We know that received credits/xp are equal to the percentage of hit points we inflicted to ennemy ships (in addition to ships destroyed). So, how does that work for detonations?For example, if I inflict 20% of a ship’s health in damage before detonating it, does it mean I am rewarded only for those 20%?

A. Correct. Regarding xp/credits rewards, all damage inflicted is taken into account. In other words, you will be rewarded for having inflicted 100% of the damage – 20% from normal damage and 80% from detonation.

3. In patch 0.5.6., you’re adding AA guns on top of the main batteries of many ships. However, it seems that Imperator Nikolai hasn’t received the same treatment. Why is that?
3. 在0.5.6中,你们在很多船的主炮塔上都加了防空炮。然而沙皇尼古拉三世好像就没加啊,为什么?

A. Her new hull is in development. However, even if she will have AA guns on top of her turrets, it doesn’t mean they will have much effect on her AA defense. This ship is already performing very well. We don’t want to make it better.

4. From tier 5 onward, US DD’s are all equipped with dual purpose main guns. However, on the ships characteristics page, main and AA guns seem to have different names. As you can see on the screenshot below, main guns are 38mk21 mod.0 and AA guns are 38Mk21 mod.1, except for the Lo Yang, which has the same gun for both functions. Is it a bug?
4. 从5级开始,美国的DD们都有了高平两用炮。然而在船只的属性页面中,主炮和防空炮的名字是不一样的。截图中的主炮名字是38mk21 mod.0,而防空炮是38Mk21 mod.1,而洛阳是个例外,名字是一致的。这是Bug吗?


A. There’s a mistake in the text. From a gameplay standpoint, those guns are working as intended.

5. Would you consider selling additional captain skills (after the 18th point) for silvers or doubloons, similarly to port slots?
5. 你们有计划通过银币或者是金币可以让玩家购买额外的舰长技能(在第18技能之后)吗,和母港船位差不多的感觉?

A. No, we don’t plan to sell skill points.

From the two recent videos by getfun:

视频地址: https://www.youtube….h?v=5pdghRkVmkw

He talks about brown players having been sighted on the RU server.

The only new information pertains to the possible awards for the forthcoming ranked games seasons, which have been recovered from the client. These include flags, sets of flags and, for the first time, amounts of doubloons. The developers have not countered the rumor, but said that additions to the client may or may not be activated in future.

另一个视频地址: https://www.youtube….h?v=oDIcxxFtEAo

A developer WellDone gave an interview on a fan site, in which he mentioned many interesting technical details about the game. Note that the majority of these has been voiced by other developers before.

1. Resolution of penetrations is currently done server side. They are working on a client-based solution for resolving damage.
1. 击穿判定是在服务器端进行的。他们在想办法弄一个客户端侧的伤害判定。

2. They don’t plan to add aiming bloom that would increase accuracy when continuously holding aim on target as in tanks. They are, however, discussing dynamic accuracy concepts for battleships.
2. 他们没有计划加入像坦克世界那种如果一直按住瞄准可以增加精准度的机制。然而他们在讨论要不要给战舰加入动态精准度这个概念。

3. They are thinking of new randomization concepts for penetrations, fires and AA plane kills.
3. 他们在考虑给穿深,开火和防空的飞机击坠加入新的随机数的概念

4. The nerf of Japanese destroyers has had a positive effect on gameplay.
4. 对日本驱逐舰进行的削弱对于游戏体验来说有着正面的影响。

5. In the near future the developers will be focusing on improving higher tiers gameplay. Considerable repair cost reductions are very likely.
5. 近期的话开发团队会着重于加强高级房的游戏体验。很有可能把修理费降一降。

6. The introduction of premium (gold) ammunition such as in tanks is very unlikely.
6. 加入像坦克世界那种的金币弹的可能性很低

7. The Imperator Nikolai will never come back due to being over powered. They are also reluctant to reintroduce the Kitakami. The most successful premium ship in terms of the balance is the Tirpitz, which can show good results even in the hands of novice players.
7. 沙皇尼古拉三世由于过于OP的问题,以后再也不会拿出来卖了。他们也并不是很像实装北上。从平衡性角度上来说最成功的金币船是提尔皮兹,因为这艘船在那些新人玩家的手中也能打出很漂亮的结果。

8. The issue of an equipment stash is still open.
8. 关于装备存放的问题依然待解决(不用的船体,主炮等等)

9. A redesign of captains is forthcoming. There will be progress beyond the 19th skill point.
9. 很快会对舰长进行重新设计。舰长系统会被扩张至第19技能点之后。

10. The issue of fail divisions is being looked in. A solution for higher tiers may be coming soon.
10. 现在正在调查大带小组队的问题。很快可能会有一个针对高级房制作的解决方案。

11. The new match-making engine is almost finished. No details.
11. 新的MM引擎马上要搞定了。但是不会公布具体细节。

12. Future ranked battles will have better match-making, voice over facility and specific achievements.
12. 以后的天梯战会有更好的MM,旁白和天梯战专有的成就。

It takes approximately 3-4 teamkilled planes to get the teamkiller status (they mean when you strafe fighters and kill your teammate’s planes). Apparently, many players are not happy about this change.


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