【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/30


Thanks to Carnotzet and Babykim.

1. Since the nerf to 25mm AA guns, IJN BB’s have a hard time shooting down planes. Is there a chance you will change this situation?
1. 鉴于25mm的AA炮被砍,现在IJN的BB想打飞机其实是很难的。你们会有计划要做些什么吗?

A. We plan to improve AA on several IJN BB’s. They won’t be as effective as their US counterparts at shooting down planes, but they will stand a better chance than today.

2. Have you considered adding night battles? You could also add spotlights and tracer shells to that end.
2. 有计划加入夜战吗?你们也可以加点探照灯或者是曳光弹什么的。

A. We already considered this. However, we currently see night battles as visual effects only. We’re not ready to experiment with a day/night cycle which would affect the gameplay. For now, we still need to work on weather effects.

3. I saw you’re adding a lot of information to the port, such as initial velocity. Would you consider adding detection penalty according to a chosen preset?
3. 我看到你们在母港里面加了很多信息,比如炮弹初速什么的。你们有计划加入点亮惩罚这项数据吗?

A. In patch 0.5.6, we plan to add more information in the port characteristics and also show effective detection ranges on the minimap (players will be able to choose which radia they want to show).

1. Why are Tashkent’s stock and top hulls mixed up? The 76mm turret was added after her modernization whereas in game, the turret is on the stock hull and not on the top one.
1. 为什么塔什干的白板和顶级船身弄混了?她身上的76mm的AA炮塔是在现代化改修之后才加上去的,而游戏中这个炮塔在白板船身就有了,顶级船身上反而没有。

A. The stock hull on the in-game Tashkent is the historical “top” hull, and our top hull is how we think she would look like after a second modernization.

2. Why does the 76mm guns on Tashkent and Kiev do so little damage? 3dps is ridiculous.

A. The values shown are the total of all the guns of the same type installed on the ship. On Tashkent, there is only one such gun, hence its low damage. On the other hand, these guns have about the same performance as many other secondary batteries (when taking into consideration only one battery). The advantage of this gun is that it has a relatively long range.

3. I noticed there are a lot of ships from early 1900’s that are missing, including from World War I. Do you plan to add more ships from that era?

A. The period you’re speaking of is full of wonderful and interesting ships. However, they wouldn’t be ideal for our entry level. Thus, we don’t plan to change anything in that regard. Those ships may be “slipped” into the game from time to time but nothing more.

4. Please explain what is going on with Tone. Will she have a unique gameplay due to her many planes or will she just be another cruiser with only one floatplane? Can we expect her to be released this year?
4. 请解释下利根到底会怎么样。她会不会由于飞机数量众多而有这非常独特的游戏体验,还是说她也只会像其他的巡洋舰一样只有一个水上机?今年之内能把她拿出来开卖吗?

A. Currently, I can’t explain anything. Her gameplay is shaping to be complex; at the moment, we don’t have a clear understanding what to do with the ship; we’re not working actively on its development.

5. Do rear gunners fire on planes they fly by or do they only shoot at planes attacking them?
5. 飞机上的控制后座机枪的妖精们到底是只会攻击在打他们的飞机还是会对过往的飞机进行射击?

A. Rear gunners only shoot at planes attacking them. So, they don’t bring any cover fire.

According to getfun, the developers on the RU forum:

1. argue that the premium cruiser USS Portland will likely be higher than tier 8
1. 认为金币巡洋舰,USS波特兰很有可能会高于8级

2. strongly hint at the premium cruiser USS Indianapolis coming with the 2016 movie featuring Nicolas Cage:
2. 强烈暗示美国金币巡洋舰,USS印第安纳波利斯会跟今年那部尼古拉斯凯奇出演的电影一起推出

3. about to announce a world-wide competition for the best reticle design. The winner’s reticle will be included in the client, and the winner rewarded.
3. 准备宣布一个全世界范围内的准心设计比赛。胜者的准星会被实装进客户端,还会有奖励。

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