【Developer Q&A】2016/01/24



Things are very quiet so took the day to rest, read a book (David Fletcher’s “The British Tanks 1915-19”) and compile a new Q&A which Slava was very kind to provide. I’ve also noticed your excitement over Swedish vehicles and have an article written by SP15 about some very interesting designs, I believe that will please you. 🙂
昨天没什么事,所以放假一天,看了本书(David Fletcher的“英国坦克 1915-19”)跟Slava弄了一期新的QA。我还注意到了各位对于瑞典坦克的莫名兴奋,所以后面会发布一篇SP15写的一些关于很有趣的坦克设计的文章,我想想这会让大家满意的。

Here it is:

The ingame report system came under criticism lately. Would it be possible to give other players compliment like in Warships? Also some kind of karma for your stats like in Warships would be nice. Just to add some positivity to the game and the community.

Good idea, why not. But that’s not going to solve the problem of negative comments ingame – the reason for those is mostly huge gap between good players and not so good.

For MM improvement I’d like to see 2 things. Tier 3 and below never seeing a tier 5 tank and never seeing a battle more than 1 tier above or below.

We plan to simplify 1-4 tier gameplay, this one will probably be included.

Could you ask what will become of super high alpha tanks like jaegeroo, waffen and death star?
那种单发伤害超高的车,比如E-100,WT E-100和FV215b(183)会变成啥样?

Alpha damage will be reworked (less dmg per shot), WT100 needs a replacement badly. HESH shells should have their own separate game mechanics
单发伤害会被重制(会下调),WT E-100急需替换。HESH弹的话应该要有自己单独的机制才行。

“And no MM improvement?!”
-“Yes there would be MM improvement. What kind of Improvement are you asking for?”

Personally, I like to see the algorithm be optimized to better balance out tank types and tiers between teams.

Far too often I see teams which either have: A) a huge numerical benefit in terms of the nr. of heavies they get assigned, thus creating an gulf of HP and firepower vs the other team. Or B) lack the above, due to mostly consisting of meds and turretless vehicles. Thus can be easily outplayed in terms of HP + firepower diff between the teams.
Players skill sometimes can make up for this, but that’s a random occurrence.

“How about just decreasing the damage of prem. ammo by 50% .<snip>”

-No.  Rebalancing prem ammo is okay tho. Things like 420 pen HEAT will have to go away.

Can Slava explain on this? It is a bit contradicting to read ‘no’ followed by ‘re-balancing prem ammo is okay’. What did he have in mind, what direction?
In which direction should we, us players, be thinking in regards to your vision on how this is could be rebalanced?

“Personally, I like to see the algorithm be optimized to better balance out tank types and tiers between teams.”

Not types, tank roles, yes – e.g. every team needs a scout, check or – every team needs an ambush TD on that map, check, things like that are planned but there is another idea that would work together with better role MM – there should be several ways to win a map. On bad maps we have a single spot that basically defines the outcome of the game, so if you need to defend it – heavier team has an advantage, if you need to capture it – faster team wins. That’s bad map design, you shouldn’t win by default just because your team has more meds and the map is decided by capturing certain hill and that’s it, no other way to win, we need to avoid such a mistake.

On rebalancing gold – gold ammo should be better, but that doesn’t always mean better penetration. How about more damage per gold shot? or super powerful HE shell? Let’s say you have a JPE100 with 299mm pen, superpowerful gold HE would be useful so you can kinda cosplay FV183mm. 420mm HEAT? Well, that’s certainly nice unless you’re on a receiving end of said HEAT.
关于平衡金币弹的话—金币弹应该要比常规弹药更好,但是这并不意味着穿深就要更高。比如说金币弹伤害提高?或者是超强力的HE弹怎么样?比方说你有个299穿的百突,超强力版HE可以用来把你伪装成FV215b 183.但是至于420mm的HEAT嘛,你打起来肯定很爽,但是被打的人就……

Another example – some kind of a sniper tank that has regular ammo and gold HEAT.
What about replacing HEAT with subcaliber shell with a lot better speed? Say, exchange 330mm pen HEAT with 310mm subcaliber that flies at 1500m/s? So you still have a better gold ammo yet it allows you to snipe better for the price of less pen compared to old HEAT

On the smoke screen subject:

Apparently even KV-1 had smoke emitters installed (not the version working with exhaust, just a smoke grenade attached to the tank)

I also promised one of you, “Hans vonLuck” that would ask a clarification to Slava on the Crew Skill idea that we talked on the Cyprus Meeting:

Well there will be grindable skills such as repair or camo and active skills such as clutch braking for example. Grindable skills work passively, sixth sense for example you do nothing to use it but active skills you need to manually activate, they would work for a short period and there will be a cooldown. Let’s say you can use clutch braking skill to gain gun stabilization for 20 seconds, next time you can use it is in say 5 minutes so you have to pick the right moment, let’s say some kind of engine overload, 20%+ acceleration for 20 seconds – if you need to get close to a TD or if you need to climb an important hill, etc, use it.

Things like master of ramming will go there as well so at some point we plan to convert the skills and crews, there will be just one entity called the captain or commander or leader, something like that.

【Developer Q&A】2016/01/24》上有8个想法

  1. 德国车长加视野但是容易受伤、精度暂时提高的buff,就像他们经常把头探出观察塔。但是同时隐蔽系数增加一个到行进状态的debuff(行进状态的话再加一个debuff)。

  2. 突然想起之前不是有人说想回到以前每个系别的坦克都有特色的时候吗?那就把不同系别的成员也弄成有不同技能的呗,当然通用技能也得有,就比如给德国车长加个加视野但是容易受伤的buff,就像他们经常把头探出观察塔那样……可是总感觉有cd什么的……我们玩的还是一个游戏吗……

  3. AW 有个叫commander的.然而技能都是PERK.,经验够了就能学.而不是你要那么多经验才能.
    AW 5级乘员就满了,能学2个技能.一共才5万经验. 而你可以让乘员学5个或是花钱冲.导致技能差距大严重影响平衡.

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