赛普留斯会议摘要:Marcus Schill & Viktor Kislyi


Hello everyone,

here is the second and final part of the Cyprus meeting, with Marcus Schill and Viktor Kislyi:
以下是赛普留斯会议摘要的第二,也是最后一部分。这部分会议是和Marcus Schill以及Viktor Kislyi一起开的。

右一:Marcus Schill
左三:Viktor Kislyi

Marcus Schill:

About Premium tank bundles and the fact that many people from certain countries in Europe cant afford the price of a premium tank packaged with premium time and gold, and even people who can afford it often won’t because they just want the tank; the issue has been addressed. Wargaming have begun offering tanks as standalone vehicles or as part of a bundle.  They also plan to look at ways of making the bundles more attractive, with the possibility of including things like xp boosts rather than just gold and premium time.
Another issue with the premium shop bundles was that it wasn’t obvious how much value for money they actually were.  People were just seeing a premium tank with gold and premium time for a large amount of money.  It wasn’t apparent from the premium shop page how much of a discount you were actually getting on the extras unless you stopped to compare prices.  While this wouldn’t have done anything for those who just couldn’t afford the bundles, they could have done a better job of explaining how much you were getting for your money for those who could but were put off by the price.

Viktor Kislyi:
Five years ago, WOT was new.  There were only 100 tanks in the game and many players had memorised the key stats of each tank, enough that they knew what they could penetrate and where the weakspots were on what they couldn’t penetrate.  Now there are around 500 tanks in the game, sometimes you log into a battle and don’t even know which nations some of the tanks come from.  The game has gotten bigger and more complex with each new patch, of which there have been around 60.  The game needs rebalancing. Premium tanks, the role of certain tank classes, artillery, maps, certain game mechanics, all need to be looked at.

The game is a living organism.  After almost six years (if you count Russian Open Beta) the game has grown beyond the expectations of the designers and they’re very proud of what they’ve achieved, but at the same time they recognise that with each new patch the game has gotten more and more bulky and some fat needs to be trimmed.


The problem is that in an ecosystem as complex as WOT there are no easy fixes.  There are no on/off buttons that can be pressed to make everything better.  Every change made to the game can have many unintended consequences.  Change maps to help heavy tanks?  Light tanks become useless and artillery becomes too powerful.  Nerf artillery?  Tank destroyers become too powerful.

In the beginning the WOT audience were military history buffs, ex-military, tank enthusiasts etc.  “Selling” the game to this audience was easy.  Today the game is played by everyone from five year old kids who play with their fathers, through teenage gamers to professionals like doctors and lawyers.  They all like different things and dislike different things.  Any change is always going to make some people unhappy and others happy.  We as a company would rather have lots of players who spend a little on the game than a few players who spend a lot, so it’s important to use to try to keep as many people happy as possible.  Even the happiness of the 75% of players who never spend any money on the game is important to us.  They may not spend money on our game but if we keep them happy they may recommend the game to friends who may spend money if we can entertain them too.  This has always been our approach to World of Tanks, we were never interested in making a “fast buck” from the few rich players.  Our policy has always been “long term value”.  We’d rather have a player who stays with us for five years without paying at all than a player who spends $100, gets upset, stops playing and spreads negativity about the game.  Even the non-paying players are part of the battlefield ecosystem.

We always wanted the game to be the same all across the world, and our price point is Russian economy-based.  Russia’s not the richest country, most people who play in Russia play on old PCs that they saved up for and built from parts themselves.  We could have easily in our first year of expansion doubled the prices in the EU and USA because the disposable incomes were so much higher, but we stayed on the Russian level of monetisation.


As a young man I could have had a career as a chess player or as a physicist, but games were my passion.  I was lucky have some friends who shared this passion and found ourselves in a position where we were able to share our passion with the world.  It’s now 20 years since my first computer game and things have changed a lot.  A small and passionate team can still make a great game, but it’s not likely to be a successful game unless they’re very lucky.  These days it takes a big team with a large development budget and an even larger marketing budget to have a good chance of making it.  You have to spend years of your life and millions of dollars making your game and have no idea if it’s going to succeed until you release it.  No-one sets out to make a bad game, and yet bad games get made.

I think we did a good job of bringing free to play to the world.  We weren’t first, League of Legends did well, but we looked at the free to play model, launched it in the East, modified it and brought it out in the West and were very successful.  We were copied a lot of times, sometimes direct copies, sometimes “inspirational” copies.  That’s okay, World of Tanks was inspired by certain games as well, no-one produces anything without inspiration.  We’re now being inspired by League of Legends’ success in e-Sports and I’m happy that we inspired a lot of developers to things “right”, even if they are now our competitors.

Now we have sixteen offices worldwide and thousands of people working for us.  Not just game developers.  We have administrators, lawyers, facilities managers, custodial staff, all the things you need to have to ensure you have the best possible people working for you to do the best job they can.  It’s a very risky business, in spite of all the success.  Managing all of this is a challenge.  We have Australians, Germans, Russians, Belorussians, Ukranians, Americans…  nationalities who may at some points have technically been at war with each other, all working for the same company and all trying to ensure that each new patch brings something new to World of Tanks.  It’s not easy managing all of this and still trying to generate that “Wow!” feeling 60 times through every patch release, but we don’t give up and we keep trying to do this.

We have our ups and downs, we take hits, not everything goes well.  It would be easy for us to blame the Russian crisis and this war or that war, but we look inwards instead.  We can’t do anything about world politics, but we understand that the problems our players experience and complain about are our own internal problems.


For 2016 we want to focus on improving the game mechanics rather than doing the same thing we always do and just introducing new tanks, new maps, new game modes.  That doesn’t mean we won’t be introducing any of these things, we will, but we also want to invest a lot more time, money and effort in addressing the concerns of the players and making long-needed changes to the game.

World of Tanks made a lot of money, but we didn’t all buy tropical islands to sit on drinking martinis.  We invested that money in other development studios, expanded our operations into Europe – not the cheapest place to expand, as well as the USA, China, Korea, Japan.  This was very risky, you have to spend a lot of money with no guarantee on your investment.  An example of an investment that didn’t pay off – World of Warplanes.  A very expensive and time consuming investment, and it’s not a successful game.  We were smart enough to have put our eggs into more than just the World of Warplanes basket, and other investments are paying off.  Here’s a Warship game for you.  You don’t play on the PC?  Here’s the XboX version.  You want to play on the train on the way to work?  Here’s the mobile version.  The budget for WOT Blitz was actually a couple of times bigger than the initial budget for World of Tanks!

We are very proud of what we have done, what we are doing and what we are going to keep delivering for the next 10 – 20 years.

赛普留斯会议摘要:Marcus Schill & Viktor Kislyi》上有17个想法

  1. 我在WOT上花的钱不多,影响我接着投钱的原因是看到了那么多被盗号的帖子。

  2. 游戏是个好游戏,是个愿意去为它花钱的游戏,但是有些东西确实得改进一下

  3. 这游戏我就希望做些这样的调整:第一是多加入一些娱乐模式,之前的巅峰围猎什么红白机都不错,就是别让游戏模式太单一,还有像天梯这种冷门的模式要大改。 第二是平衡一下各个车型,而不是平衡那么几个车,比如现在10级MT太强势,装甲已经沦为笑话,加入了太多年代很晚的“高科技”车,都在破坏游戏平衡。第三再把游戏优化优化,向暴雪学学,人家的星际什么魔兽各种游戏优化效果都非常好,程序紧凑效率高。 第四投入点精力好好管管插件问题,某些插件丰富了游戏体验值得支持,还有些插件完全和作弊耍赖没什么两样,比如去草,压树什么的。 第五调整调整游戏收益,现在可以说9级车10级车基本没有收益,9级大多数要亏钱,10级更是亏死,把游戏乐趣都降低了,还有HT不能靠装甲赚收益,叫老鼠什么KV4什么的还有什么玩头。

    • 你这几个点,我总结一下过去几年的QA和上次的会议摘要回复一下
      1. 娱乐模式以后会有更多,历史战一直在做但是优先度不高
      2. 平衡车型毛子有在打算,部分国家有“高科技”的原因是不出高科技没东西丢去10级……
      3. 暴雪爸爸的魔法优化我觉得毛子这辈子是学不来的
      4. 插件的话,毛子曾经提过要处理,也有办法处理,但是……相对于其他问题来说,这个优先度也是不高的
      5. 很久以前,毛子曾经说过WOT的经济模型是如果不开V,你打8级是可以勉强保持收支平衡的。抗伤害的收益毛子之前做出来过一版拿去测试,但是Bug太多现在回炉了,还在重制过程中。

  4. We are very proud of what we have done, what we are doing and what we are going to keep delivering for the next 10 – 20 years.

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