match making-MM工作机制(即配对分房机制)

Updated for 0.8.5 How does the Match Maker work?
更新至0.8.5 配对分房机制如何工作

World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armoured warfare in the middle of the 20th century. The core of its gameplay consists of two teams made of 15 players, fighting on a battlefield against each other.


The vehicles that are present on the battlefields are divided into classes (light, medium and heavy tanks, self-propelled anti-tank guns and tank destroyers). The classes are split over 10 tiers.

In order to ensure that the “random battles” (the main game mode) keep the interest of our players, the following three conditions need to be respected in every battle:

  • Equality among the vehicles present on the battlefield within the two teams
  • 在战斗中,两队出现在的坦克是对
  • Variety in the type of vehicles present on the battlefield
  • 在战场上出现多种类型的坦克
  • Unpredictability of the course and outcome of the battle
  • 战斗的过程和结果的不可预测性

This task is being performed by a special module/system that is located on the server side of the game, the so-called “Match Maker”. This selects the tanks for both teams, makes sure that the teams are even and that each battle can start.

When the “Match Maker” first appeared in the Closed Beta (there was none during the Alpha stage), there were only two types of battle levels:

  • Sandbox with tanks from the 1st and 2nd tiers
  • 1级和2级
  • Common battles comprising all the other tiers (3-10)
  • 其他等级(3-10)共同战斗

Since then our “MM” has evolved and a whole new sophisticated table composed of 12 types of battles was born (battle tiers).

The first 10 battle types roughly correspond to the tiers of the vehicles and their placement in the various Tech Trees.  For example, a Tier IV heavy tank can only get into battles with other Tier IV and Tier V tanks.

Beyond that every tank has a so-called “balance weight”, which is a hidden numerical parameter that determines the combat effectiveness of each vehicle. It is directly linked to the type of the vehicle, its tier and role (we have chosen) in the battle.

The work of the “MM” for “random battles” is based on the following principles:

  • Any vehicle can get into fights that correspond to its tiers (see table), with the exception of platoons
  • 所有车辆进入对应的分房等级(见上附图表 点击可放大),除非组队
  • The place that a vehicle receives in a team is assigned according to the “balance weight”
  • 车辆排位(班长或垫底)根据该车的“权重”
  • Vehicles are selected according to the battle statistics within the last half hour
  • 车辆的房间选择是根据在最近半小时的战斗统计
  • The total “balance weight” of the opposed teams must not differ by more than 10%, except in special cases
  • 两队的总“权重”相差不超过10%,除特殊情况外
  • The total “balance weight” of the SPGs in the opposed teams must not differ by more than 20% – a team can have only one more SPG and the total number of SPGs cannot be more than 5
  • 两队火炮的总“权重”相差不超过20%,即一队只能比另一队多一辆火炮,且每队最多5个火炮

The more times a specific vehicle is waiting to join a battle, the higher its priority. If you wait more than 1 minute, the “MM” will assign top priority and you will be sent into battle at the first open slot.

If, during the balancing process, both teams do not meet the requirements mentioned above, they will be disbanded and the whole process for team composition starts again.

The settings that are not taken into the account are:

  • The nation of the vehicle
  • 坦克的国别
  • The researched and available modules (gun, turret, engine, etc …)
  • 坦克装备的模块(炮,炮塔,发动机,等…)既:坦克是白板还是完全体
  • Mounted accessories and/or equipment
  • 安装的配件给养
  • Crew skill level
  • 乘员技能
  • Player skill
  • 玩家的水平

The “MM” works with queues of vehicles. Each tier and type of battle has its own queue. There is 36 different queues in total (12 levels of tiers, multiplied by 3 different battle modes).

The battle statistics are collected separately for each queue. In addition to this, the statistics for SPGs are also collected separately.  We use this statistical data to decide on the balanced weight of every vehicle.

To understand it better, let’s take a concrete example: we have chosen an American heavy tank – T14 – characterised by the fact that it can get into battles of 5th and 6th tiers. To keep the example simple, “Encounter” and “Assault” have been deselected.
为了更好地理解它,让我们的一个具体的例子:我们已经选择了一个美国的重型坦克- T14 -,它的分房等级是5-6。为了尽可能简单,“夺旗”和“攻防”模式已被取消

After pressing the “Battle“ button, the T14 enters two different queues at the last position in each:

So now our tank is in the queue and, as you can see, its priority to join the battle is low.  However the “MM” is scanning the entire queue during the selection process, and thus if there is an empty spot that more or less corresponds to the balance weight of the T14, it will immediately be sent into battle. Conversely, it might also need to wait. Every time a pair of teams is sent into battle, the team composition process starts over and over again.


SPGs are always the first vehicles to join a team. After that the “MM” will start looking for the tanks to fill the remaining empty spots. Vehicles with high balance weight (top vehicles) are added right after the SPGs.

When adding a platoon the “MM” will try to make sure that the balance weight of the tanks in the platoon equals the balance weight of the remaining free slots (where tanks with big balance weight still have top priority).

As mentioned above, the “MM” will make sure that the difference between the “balance weights” of both teams is not more than 10%.

The balance weight of the available slots can also be adjusted to the tanks that are currently waiting in the queues.

Once a pair of teams is created, the teams are checked for all the conditions mentioned in the “MM” criteria again, and are then sent to the battlefield. If the required criteria are not met, the teams will be disbanded and the match making process starts again  (where this process is not visible to players and happens entirely behind the scenes).
两只队伍一旦被创建,“MM”会再次检查是否符合上述的所有条件,然后开始战斗。如果不满足条件,两只队伍将被打散,MM重新分配(这个过程玩家不可见 ,由服务器运作

It may also happen that the “MM” is not able to complete the team creation process (for example: there are too many vehicles of the same type in one team). In such a case, the whole queue is frozen until tanks with other settings join it, or the already pre-selected tanks move into other queues.

On the picture you can see that T14 ended up in two different queues:

  • A Tier V queue that is already completed
  • 已经完成5级队列
  • A Tier VI queue that is still in the completion process (too many KV-1S)
  • 一个6队列,但是在仍完成过程中(KV-1S太多)

All criteria for the Tier V queue are matched, so the T14 goes into a battle.

At this moment, the tank disappears from both queues. This means that the Tier VI queue has now an empty slot.

Please also note the following factors:

  • The longer your waiting time, the higher priority there is from the “MM” to send you into battle
  • 你等待时间越长,“MM”给你分配的优先级更高
  • If the waiting time goes beyond an acceptable limit (1 minute), the selection criteria will not be fully respected (such as: not enough vehicles, or only the same types of vehicles present)
  • 如果等待时间超出限度(1分钟),将不绝对遵守分房规则(如:没有足够的坦克,或坦克类型单一)
  • If the waiting time is more than 2 minutes, the “MM” has the ability to create a partially completed team (with less than 15 players on each side)
  • 如果等待时间超过2分钟,“MM”将可能创建一个部分完成队伍(每边玩家不到15人)
  • If the waiting time is more than 5 minutes, you will receive a message inviting yor to go back to the garage and select a different tank
  • 如果等待时间超过5分钟,您将收到一条消息,邀请你回车库去,并选择不同的坦克

Some of the situations described above may appear during the launch of new servers, new regions or when the number of online players is low (such as during the middle of the night).

We are constantly working on the improvement of the game “MM” and some additional changes were added in Patch 0.8.5. Our goal remains to provide you with best game experience.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and will leave the thread open to gather more questions that we may use to update this article in the future.

Please note that all non-constructive questions and comments will be deleted.

P.S The localisation of this article into other languages is currently in progress.
P.S 这篇文章翻译成其他语言目前正在进行中。



match making-MM工作机制(即配对分房机制)》上有10个想法

  1. Pingback引用通告: 曾泳形冷

  2. Pingback引用通告: 韦耐求户

  3. Pingback引用通告: [喵本百科]战斗机制(2013.6.19零星更新) | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  4. 前阵子不是才说新车的前几场有分房保护吗?怎么这里又变成

  5. 为什么8级房能给我们分进来一个T30…有时候还能分进来一个原型豹- –
    这个不说..9级房给对面一个E100- –

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