【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/31

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/31/31-8-2013/

– when the turret of the IS-7 rotates sideways from the hull and its silhouette overlaps the hull itself, it’s actually possible to shoot the bottom of the turret, if your tank is significantly lower than the IS-7 itself. The bottom of the turret is 20mm thick
– 当 IS-7 的炮塔转向车体的一侧时它的炮塔轮廓会超出车体,实际上如果你坦克的位置相对 IS-7 来说足够低,你就有可能攻击炮塔底部。炮塔底部的装甲厚度是 20mm 

– there are plans for more crew perks – it will happen in WoWp much sooner than in WoT
– 计划出更多的乘员技能 – WoWp 会比 WoT 更早实现

– SerB on linear XP requirement for crew skills in WoWp: “Linear system was implemented as an experiment. It is easier to understand than the exponential one, despite the average effective skill when levelling up being 75 percent (compared to exponential system’s 87 percent). The total XP cost of levelling the crew skills up is the same as in the exponential system”
– SerB 关于 WoWp 乘员技能的经验需求为线性增长:“线性系统作为实验来试行。它比指数增长系统更容易理解,尽管在75%时平均的技能效果要低些(相比指数系统的87%)(译注:技能水平线性增长至75%与指数增长至87%时所需经验相同,约占总经验的57%左右)。乘员升级技能所需的总经验与指数系统相同”


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/30

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/30/30-8-2013/

– for now, no tier 8 premium French medium tank has been found
– 暂时还没有找到合适的法国8级金币中坦

– maximum speed buff for JT88? “We’ll see. We are very careful when taking decisions on premium tanks”
– 要不要增加 猎虎88 的极速?“再说吧。我们在改动金币车时都会非常谨慎”

– unified chat and friend contacts are planned for WoT and WoWp
– 打算把 WoT 和 WoWp 的聊天系统和好友列表联动

– if you gather 240 WoWp tokens every day between 1st and 26th September in WoWp, you will be able to buy 2 months of premium (common to both WoWp and WoT) for your account for them
– 如果你在9月1到26号每天收集240个 WoWp 代币,你就可以买2个月的高级账号(WoWp 和 WoT 通用)


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/28

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/28/28-8-2013/

– The_Chieftain, US developer and tank expert, is pushing for a 3rd US TD line. He states there are a few tier 3 to 6′s possible, but high tiers will be a problem
– The_Chieftain 这位美国的开发人员和坦克专家,正在努力制作美国的3线TD。他表示 3 – 6 级的坦克有一些可选方案,但是到高级坦克会比较困难

– when there is tank A and tank B, with tank A having a lot of engine power but bad terrain passability, while tank B has bad engine power but good terrain passability, it’s possible to actually test the difference by looking at acceleration: tank A will have better acceleration at lower speeds
– 比方有 坦克A 和 坦克B,其中 坦克A 的发动机功率大但是履带适应性差,坦克B 的发动机功率低但是履带适应性好, 可以通过观察加速度来区分他们:坦克A 在低速时的加速度更好

– SerB posted this when asked about a single photo where the Superpershing has the “ears” on the turret.
– 当被索要 超级潘兴 炮塔有“耳朵”的图证,SerB 贴出了这张图(译注:“耳朵”是指炮塔两侧向斜后方延伸的装甲板,有点像两只耳朵。在外服,普遍认为超潘的炮塔附加装甲只有正面主炮附加的那一块,“耳朵”是WG的阴谋)


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/27 Part 2

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/27/27-8-2013/

You’ll like this, SerB’s on the roll again.
你会喜欢这个的,SerB又来了次 Q&A 连发

– SerB on Gaijin War Thunder tanks, when asked what he thinks about them:
– 当 SerB 被问及他如何看待 Gaijin 的 WT 陆战坦克 时:

“We do watch them. Company Gaijin, by the way, puts a lot of effort into making its project NOT resembling WoT (true, not always – for example module unlocking they made basically the same as we have it in the end, only instead of normal stock modules they give out “worn out” modules). And so their experience is very valuable for us, mostly in the “how not to do it” part. But if they – let’s say – manage to make a playable tank game with better historicity (Tiger with heavier turret(c)), we will gladly learn from their experience”
“我们有关注他们。顺便说一些,Gaijin 公司付出了很多努力让他们的游戏不会和 WoT 过于相似(真的,但是也有例外 – 比方说坦克配件的研发,他们做的和我们基本一样,唯一的区别是他们以“老旧”型号代替通常的白板车)。因此他们的经验对我们来说非常有价值,尤其是在“如何保持克制”这方面。如果他们能实现我们所说的那样 – 在保证游戏性的同时尽可能的还原历史(做出虎式更重的c型炮塔【译注:WoT 中的 虎式 完全体炮塔为中期型,历史上后期型炮塔将顶部装甲由 25mm 增加至 40mm ,改善了炮塔内部环境】),我们十分乐意学习他们的经验”


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/27

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/27/27-8-2013/

– Q: “This game needs more player rewards, for example 200 gold for each player every day” A:”You came to the wrong game. I think that you need a game, where they will pay you 100 thousand for simply you showing the developers the honor by turning your attention to it. And of course not in gold, but in real money.”
– Q:”这个游戏需要多给玩家点奖励,比如每人每天200金币”

– singleplayer missions are not planned, the load on the server would be too high (SS: for example for the tutorial, server has to create one map session for every single player, that’s very uneconomical)
– 单人任务不会做,否则服务器负担太重(SS:拿新手教程来举例,服务器要给每个玩家都创建一张训练地图,太浪费了服务器资源了)

– when you have 6 perks and more, individual perks are no longer displayed, instead, the icons get “compressed” like this:
– 当车组乘员的技能达到6个或者更多的时候,就不再把技能都单独显示了,而是会“缩减”成这样:


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/26

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/26/26-8-2013/

First, some info from Overlord:

– the bug where the vehicle says “not ready for battle” but in fact it IS read for battle on test server is a bug, it will be solved
– 测试服中的一个bug:一辆已经准备好的的战车上,却显示“未做好战斗准备”。这个bug会解决的

– the Tiger buffs will make the Tiger more popular
– 虎式的加强将会使它变得更受欢迎

– there will be no special XP/credit compensation for engines lost in 8.8
– 8.8 中移除发动机不会补偿 经验/银币

– if you sell your Superpershing, you will get no gold compensation for its gold ammo
– 如果你打算用金币卖出超级潘兴,它的金币弹可不会给你补偿成金币


【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/25

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/25/25-8-2013/

– it looks like no matter what happens with the KV-1S 122mm gun, the 100mm S-34 will be added either way
– 好像无论 KV-1S 的 122mm 炮如何变动,100mm S-34 都会加入

– the reason for KV-1S balance is that it stands out in the statistics. Not terribly, but it does. So in any case it is necessery to somehow nerf the 122mm KV-1S, but what exactly is still being discussed
– 平衡 KV-1S 的原因是它的战绩太突出了。尽管不是特别严重,但它的确是过强了。所以无论怎样,122mm KV-1S 必须要某种程度上的削弱才行,但是具体如何实施还在讨论中

– the German unhistorical engines removal was the balance team’s idea, not SerB’s.
– 移除德系不符合历史的发动机,这个主意是平衡小组想的,不是Serb

– Q: “Why remove unhistorical German engines when most of the players don’t care about their historicity anyway, but it did cost a lot of XP to level them up and it causes distrust between players and WG?” A: “We don’t care about distrust, conspiracy theorists would make up a conspiracy theory anyway”
– Q:“绝大部分玩家并不在乎那些德系被移除的发动机是否符合历史,既然如此为何还要这么做,我们可是花了一大堆经验去研发它们的,你们不怕这么做会造成玩家和WG之间互相不信任吗?”A:”我们不在乎猜疑,阴谋论者总有办法编出阴谋论”